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THIS IS THE CHAPTER where albert moves in with Denis! I hope you guys enjoy it!🫶🏻

Todays the day!im so excited to see Denis manly because I've liked him for awhile...but also I love spending time with him! 'Ring' 'Ring' I heard my phone go off I ran over and seen who it was "I hope Denis is calling me!" To my surprise it was Denis! "Hey Albert." He said softly "hey denwise🥺" I said in a babyish voice "awww hello baby Albert" denis said I started to laugh so did he "hey Albert are you on your way to the airport?" Denis asked "yep!" I said answering his question "Ok! Well I'll let you drive bye Albert!" Denis said "oh..ok.. bye denis" I said sadly I hung up the phone and continued to drive

I finally arrived at the airport it felt like I had been driving for years! But I finally made it, I started to head toward the gate for where I had to board the plane. As I arrived at the gate I gave my plane ticked to the secretary girl "here you go" I said as I handed it to her "thank you sir,have a nice flight!" She said "thanks."i said softly. I boarded the flight a went to my seat and sat down,I was in the seat by the window so I had somewhere to rest my head while I took a nap. I then started to drift off to sleep.

Todays the day Albert comes to live with me! "IM SO EXCITED" I yell I ran upstairs to make sure his room had everything he needed and cleaned the upstairs and downstairs too,about 1 hour later I finally finished cleaning and setting up alberts room.I'm so excited to see him he's so cute and adorable and precious ugh..he's just so perfect I love him so much and I want him to know that and Hopefully I can tell him and show him.

I woke up to the pilot announcing that we have landed "ATTENTION ALL PASSENGERS WE HAVE LANDED IN CANADA PLEASE MAKE YOUR WAY TO THE EXIT!" I heard as I started to get up and get my things and headed to the exit, I got off the plane and started to text Denis that I had arrived.

                                Hey Denis my flight just

Ok im on my way to come   
Pick you up!


I'll see you in a few minutes
Bye al!🫶🏻❤️

                                      Ok see you in a few mins bye
After I texted him I found a place to sit down. A few minutes later I got up and started to look around for a little bit,but then while I was looking around I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist "guess who~" I heard a voice say from behind me "Denis?" I questioned the person "yes silly who else would it be?" Denis said laughing I turned around and practically jumped in his arms and hugged him "denis DONT scare me like that!" I said in a whiny voice "aww is someone mad?~" denis said teasing me I started to blush as he said that "are you ready to leave, I'm exhausted from my flight" I said as I pretended to fall over

Denis quickly reacted and caught me I started to laugh "yes we can leave, BUT STOP FALLING YOU CLUMSY LITTLE BOY." Denis quietly yelled I was laughing even harder now Denis started to chuckle a bit " come on crazy man!" I said grabbing his hand and pulling him "Albert." Denis said just watching me try to pull him "what!" I said in a annoyed tone "that's the wrong way" Denis said I let go of his hand and just stood there in embarrassment, Denis smiled and laughed a little as he grabbed my hand and started walking me the right way, I started to blush at the grip he had on my hand not wanting me to get lost because well,he knows I would if he didn't.

Albert is so silly and clumsy, But so adorable at the same time we finally make it to my car, I open the door for Albert to be polite " Thanks Denis!" Albert said happily "your welcome al." I said as I closed the door, I got inside the car and started to drive. As I drove I began to notice Albert starting to fall asleep ' he must be tired from the flight' I said to myself.(BTW HE SAID THAT TO HIMSELF IN HIS MIND TO BE CLEAR)


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