|2| A Word Please

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"I love making people who already hate me hate me more."
- Amanda Bynes

     "Alright, we'll discuss victimology further on the plane, but for now wheels up in thirty everyone. Y/L/N, a word please." Hotch said, signaling for you to stay back before we left.


"You needed me sir?"

Every time Hotch asked somebody to talk to him nothing good happened. It honestly wouldn't be surprising if you saw someone walk out from a "conversation" with him, crying their eyes out. Sure it was no secret that Hotch was a hardass, but behind closed doors he was something terrifying. You however, would never let him have that kind of power over you.

"Y/N, I noticed the way you responded to Derek talking about each victim looking like you." He said sternly.

You let out an exasperated sigh before folding your arms. "Hotch, what are you getting at?"

You knew you were slightly surprised by it, but what the hell did that have to do with anything, let alone why was it worth talking about?

"Y/L/N, I expect you to not let your emotions get in the way of my case," He began. "I don't need you fucking it up over something so pathetic as fitting the victimology."

You laughed, slightly. "Are you insane?"

Is he being serious right now?

Okay, you were a bit shaken up by the fact that the unsub was going after women who looked almost exactly like you, but it's not like you were scared to work the case. And what does he even mean by saying 'I don't need you fucking it up over something so pathetic as fitting the victimology.'?

"With all due respect Hotchner, if you think my emotions are getting in the way of a case you're fucking stupid. Also it's not 'your case' it's the team's case, and if you've failed to notice I'm a member of this team as well. If anything looking like the victims, will help us to lure the unsub straight to us." you spat.

You stared into his darkened eyes. waiting for a snobby response, but you saw nothing but pure rage. The only thing you could hear was each other's fuming breaths as you took in the rage the two of you shared. Without breaking the eye contact, Hotch abruptly pushed you against the wall pinning you by your waist. Looking into his deep eyes, he began to look like he was about to kill you.

"Speak to me like that again agent and see what the hell happens to you and that ever so pathetic mouth of yours." he said while practically fuming.

Fuck. Your eyes switched from his left eye to his right as you realized how he had never put you in a place where you felt so much submission.
You couldn't help it, in that very moment Hotch had all the power and you didn't even try to dominate him like you usually would. He was the lion and you were just a silly field animal.

You must have been looking into each other's eyes for a couple minutes when you finally gained some of your confidence back you roughly pushed him out the way. "Get the hell off me Hotch, you don't fucking own me." You practically yelled whilst running for the door, desperate to get away from him.

All you wanted to do is continue to scream and yell in his face about how much of an asshole he was, but unlike him, you had some class and instead chose to go gossip with Garcia and the girls.

What kind of supervisor pushes one of their agents against a wall in anger? I mean it's not like I said anything that bratty, right? You recalled that moment so many times during the entire walk to Garcia's office that it made the trip seem longer than it actually was.

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