|7| Haunted Entanglement

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"Pleasure does not exist without pain. Pain and pleasure are the same emotion. . ."
-Marquis de Sade

As the afternoon neared, you began preparing for the haunted house. You had texted the girls to invite them over to get ready together and they'd be here in an hour and a half. Out of boredom, you decided to get some alcohol to pregame with before they arrived.

The drive wasn't too long, but long enough for you to plan what you're getting. Nothing too crazy, just the basic Tito's, Grey Goose, and a bottle of Appleton Estate rum. It was more than enough for the four of you, but you never know when you need to be stocked up for company.

You turned into the parking lot of the liquor shop and parked a few spaces down from the entrance. It wasn't particularly freezing, but it was pretty chilly. You put on the overcoat you had placed on the passenger seat and headed in.

The shop was nice. Well, nice for a liquor store, but it was well organized. It had a rather cozy feel with a hint of luxury to it. You headed to the vodka and tequila section and grabbed the first two bottles of Tito's and Grey Goose. You walked over to the counter and grabbed the Appleton Estate bottle on the way. You set the bottles on the counter, getting the cashier's attention.

"Having a party?" She asked while she began ringing up each bottle.

"Sort of," You replied, "Just a pregame."

"Ah, we've had a lot of customers come in for alcohol for halloween parties recently." She said, "I.D. please."

You grabbed your wallet from your purse and took out your I.D. Gosh, it might be time for a new photo, you thought to yourself as you handed her your card. The last time you got your photos taken was on a rainy day in december. Your hair wasn't laying the way you wanted and if that wasn't frustrating enough, your hair got rained on.

She glanced at you and then your I.D. and quickly handed it back to you. "Alright, you're all set. Have a nice day."

"Thank you, you too." You spoke, taking the bags of liquor from your hands.

You headed back to your car, unlocking the doors to place the alcohol in the back seats. The weather had started to clear up from the muggy mood it was in before you left the house. It was the perfect haunted house weather. Chilly and sunny in the afternoon, only to change to cold and dark in the nighttime.

You had arrived back at your house just in time for Garcia to send her 'On my way!' text. She always was one for being early to things which you always appreciated. Emily and JJ were coming together and said they would be there in about twenty minutes.

As you waited for them to arrive, you began setting up all the bottles of alcohol on your kitchen island and turned on '50 Shades of Grey.'. It was a stupid movie, but one you all enjoyed. Your house was clean from being cleaned the previous weekend during your depressive episode about Hotch, so you didn't have to do much. Your eyes had started to get attached to the movie as you waited for a ring at the doorbell. You shouldn't really be starting it since the girls would be here any minute but you couldn't help it. You so desperately craved sex like Christian and Anastasia, but we all know that's not happening anytime soon.

It had been around 15 minutes of you standing over the edge of your couch watching the movie when you heard your doorbell ring. You practically ran to the door, almost tripping on the step from your living room to your kitchen and front hallway. You opened the door to see a very excited Garcia holding a dress bag and a strikingly large purse.

"Y/N!" She yelled, stepping in and hugging you tightly.

"Garcia, oh my god I'm so happy you're here!" You said, accepting her hug.

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