|4| Disobeying

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"she had a weakness for his hand on her neck and his words in her heart. neither of which did she have the willpower to refuse."
-J.M Storm

     As soon as you entered you and Emily headed straight for the bar. The whole club was heavily lit by colorful L.E.D lights running across the ceilings and underneath the bar counter. It was slightly hard to see, but it was enough to make out faces and figures.

     "Agents Y/L/N and Prentiss you are to stay sober throughout this mission. Especially you Y/N." Hotch voiced through the earpiece.

     You groaned, rolling your eyes. You had completely forgotten about the earpieces but honestly you didn't think they would help. They would only distract you from the role you had to portray.

Without thinking, you turned your earpiece off to focus on getting the unsub to notice you.

     "One Manhattan and two vodka shots please." you said, gaining the attention from the bartender in front of you and Emily.

     "Coming right up." He responded, moving away to make your drinks.

     Once he was gone Emily turned to you, "Y/N! What are you doing? Hotch is actually going to kill you."

     "Ooo, I'm so scared." You said while rolling your eyes and flailing your arms up jokingly.

     "I'm serious, I don't want you getting yourself in any more trouble tonight. You've got Hotch's blood boiling already. I don't want you making him overflow with rage."

     "Relax, it's okay, we're trying to lure the unsub in. I can't do that without any alcohol in my system." You replied, smiling at her.

     You turned back to the bar to see the bartender carrying your drinks. You quickly thanked him and moved your drinks closer to you and Emily. "Anytime sweetheart."

     "A shot for you, and a shot for me!" You handed Emily her drink, ushering her to take her shot at the same time as you. You both swallowed slightly tilting your heads back, the burn of the strong alcohol lacing your throat as you consumed the last bit of the shot. After, you took a few sips of your drink when Naughty Girl by Beyoncé began blaring from the speakers.

    "Oh my god Em, I love this song! Come on, we're dancing!"

     "Y/N, we really shouldn't-" You cut her off by quickly grabbing her arm, taking her straight to the dance floor.

    So far there hadn't been any signs of the unsub nearby. A few men who looked like him but not enough to fit the full profile. You both swayed your hips to the rhythm of the music looking at each other while every once in a while singing a few lyrics. It had been a few seconds of dancing when you started to feel a man's arms wrap around your waist and begin to move with your body. You looked at Emily to see a look in her eyes hinting at you that it was the unsub who was dancing with you.

      You composed yourself and turned around to meet the man in his eyes. He was tall. He had gorgeous deep blue eyes and dark brown hair gelled back with two strands of hair fallen in front of his face. He had on a black button up with the first few buttons undone. You two were practically matching.

     "Hello beautiful." The man said, breaking the silent moment of you two admiring each other. "Richard Hastings, and you are?"

    "Y/N Y/L/N." You replied, still moving to the rhythm of the song with his hands having made a home on your waist.

    "What's a fine lady like you doing in the club without a boyfriend?"

    "Hm, I don't know, looking for my knight in shining armor, but it looks like he's decided to show up today, right in front of me." You said smirking at him flirtatiously.

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