Chapter 7 Mahara

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I exit the bathroom with my towel wrapped around me, praying that Harrison's friend left. I look into the hallway not seeing anyone, I exhale throwing my towel off.

Larson's so intimidating, he's huge compared to me. He's 6'5 maybe taller with broad shoulder, jet black hair that's short on the sides and longer on top, dark brown almost black eyes, nice olive skin, with a voice that's deep and rich.

Larson already hates me, which I can't say I blame him or Harrison for the way they acted tonight. I know that I did nothing wrong, but I should have stayed with her more throughout the night instead of running off to have a quick fuck with Jeremy.

Sighing loudly, I gather some soft shorts and a tank top from the dresser and throw them on. Then laying back on the bed I think about everything that happened tonight.

Tonight has to be the worst first impression you can give. No wonder Liz never told her brother about the things she does. He's crazy when it comes to her, I know that's his sister, but he owns clubs all around here and expects his sister to stay home all the time and never go out, when he's out every night. Major hypocrite.

I roll over and curl up thinking about Larson again. How he smelled so fresh and clean, there was a slight alcohol smell, making me think of how we must have ruined their night to celebrate their business deal. That might be why they're as mad as they are.

Larson grabbed me twice tonight and both times my heart almost stopped. I know not everyone is like my father, but with Harrison yelling and Larson grabbing me, I couldn't help but to think they were gonna lash out and hurt me, but they didn't.
When Larson touched my face with his hand so softly, I got goosebumps over my whole body. I run my hand over the spot on my cheek where he touched me and think about how nice it felt.

"Ugh" I say loudly pulling myself off the bed to go check on Liz like I told Larson I would do. Walking into the living room I see Liz still fast asleep on the couch. I walk to kitchen to grab a glass of water and some Tylenol out of one of the cabinets, laying them both on the coffee table in front of the couch by Liz for when she wakes up.

Walking back to my room I grab my phone to look through my messages. There's a missed call from Lenny and a text from my mom saying she hopes I'm having a good time.

I think about what Caleb said earlier today before I left home. "You'll always be good for nothing trash" he said. Maybe he was right.

When Harrison yelled about me being trailer trash I almost broke down into tears. It's supposed to be different here. Here I'm not be the girl from the trailer park who gets beat by her family, or the girl who had no friends and stays at home all the time studying. Maybe that's all people will ever see when they look at me. No matter what I do, or how much I change my life now, maybe I'll always be trash to everyone who looks at me.

Laying back in my bed looking at the ceiling and clutching my phone to my chest. I pull up Lenny's number to text him letting him know I'm alright but that I'd call him in the morning. Sending the text I lay my phone on the bedside table, pulling my blanket up to my chin to cry, letting sleep take me under.

* * *

My eyes crack open seeing the sun beaming through the large window blinding me. Groaning I roll over to burry my head into my pillow trying to fall back to sleep when there's a small knock at the door.

"Yeah?" I groan.

The door opens as Liz walks in, she looks horrible. Her hair is matted up and she has large dark circle under her eyes, she's even still wearing the outfit she had on last night.
"Hey" she whispers.

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