Chapter 3 Mahara

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Waking up when the plane lands I gather my things heading off the plane, going through the large building to the exit of the airport. Before I reach the door I see a tiny girl maybe 5'0 tall at most, a little shorter then my 5'3 height, with bleach blond hair and a denim skirt with a black tight crop top and sandals, waiving around a sign with my name written across it.

"OH MY GAWD! You must be Mahara! I'm Lizzie! It's so good to finally meet you!" She screams running up to me and hugging me.

I return her hug with a huge smile on my face.
"Um. Hi." I laugh.

"Girl you look so fucking cute! I wish I could pull off sweats, I don't have the ass for it" she laughs.

"Oh yeah" I chuckle. "Thank you but you didn't have to come get me, I had a Uber ready to take me to your house, and it's MJ no one really calls me Mahara" I say shyly.

"Well MJ cancel that shit, my brother brought me to come get you!" She says as she grabs one of suitcases and one of my bags.

"Well that was very nice of y'all to do."

She's so happy and jumpy, she kind of reminds me of a small Chihuahua. She pulls my hand dragging me out the door and across the parking lot to a large black Dodge Ram. A man steps out of the truck and he is gorgeous, 6'3 blond hair that matches his sisters, green eyes, and the body structure of a linebacker.

"Hey you must be Mahara? I'm Harrison." He says extending his hand.

His voice almost makes me fall over my feet and I take is hand to shake it. "Um it's just MJ" I laugh releasing his hand "thank you for picking me up, I heard Miami's traffic is a bitch so thanks for going out of your way."

"No problem, let's get this stuff loaded up and get to the condo to unpack, Liz has a room all set up for you." He says.

He picks up my bags as if they way nothing and throws them in the bed of his truck and then does the same with my suitcases.

"Well thank you Liz that was so nice of you, I promise once I get settled and start working I'll repay you" I state. Being shy about the fact that Liz is doing so much for me and we've never even met before.

"No problem MJ, I can't wait to have a roomy!"
We all climb into the truck and to my surprise Lizzie climbs in the back with me. She grabs my hand and squeal like a pig. "This is gonna be so much fun!" She screams and I can't help but laugh and feel extremely excited for what's to come.

When we drive through Miami and I watch out the door like a child on Christmas morning. It's so beautiful here. The palm trees, the smell of the beach, the large sleek looking buildings, and there's people everywhere. The traffic is terrible like I read online but Liz's brother seems to not mind.

"Have you lived in Miami long? You both seem used to everything here." I laugh.

Liz stiffens, but only for a moment, almost not long enough for me to notice.

"Yeah we've lived here almost my whole life, after our parents passed and Harrison started working with Garrett and Larson we moved closer to the beach for their business" she says with a smile.

"Wow that's so cool! What kind of business do you do?" I ask Harrison evading talking about their parents death, not wanting to bring back old trauma.

"We own a couple night clubs, Dexter, Champagne, and we're opening another one in the winter called SLIM" he explains.

"That's awesome!"

"Yeah I better not see you or my sister at any of my clubs, or for any club for that matter. You're both way to young to go to shit like that" he laughs.

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