Chapter 12 Larson

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After working all day interviewing people for Dexter, I couldn't wait to call my baby girl. Ive been thinking about her ever since she left my house.

When she didn't answer my call I assumed she was studying for tomorrows classes, but then I tracked her phone seeing her at the beach. So I texted Harrison and he told me he took his sister and Mahara to a fucking college party. Makes my blood boil thinking about all those young horny fucks throwing themselves at her.

By the time I got to that stupid party, she was already on her way home. She had ignored me all damn day making me worry like a son of a bitch because Harrison and Liz can't keep their fucking mouths shut.

* * *

"WHAT?!" I scream at her.

She shifts on the bed looking at the floor with tears in her eyes, "Liz told me everything about Jessica! Why would you do that?! You fucked a stripper in the same bed you slept with me in!" She screams pissing me off more that she'd listen to fucking Liz and not let me explain.

I sit back down on the bed beside her trying to grab her, but she pulls aways seeing only the man Liz told her about and not the man I want to be for her.
"Listen to me right fucking now Mahara, that was a fucking lie"

She lets out a bitter laugh with more tears streaming down her face, "So your best friend is a liar and so is mine?" She goes to get up, but I snatch her back to the bed.

"That's not what I'm saying! I'm saying that is not the way shit went down between me and Jessica!"
Mahara stiffens when she hears Liz walking around the house, placing her hand over my mouth shushing me.

"Night MJ, see you in the morning!" Liz yells through the door.

"Night Liz!" Mahara yells back to her, listening for Liz's room door to shut.

She turns back to me removing her hand. "You need to leave right now Larson!" She whisper yells.

Getting off the bed I stand between her legs and stare down into her beautiful ocean eyes. "If I'm leaving you're coming with me, but if not, you're gonna sit your ass right there and let me fucking explain."

She huffs out another laugh, "No you can leave, I don't want to talk about it" she tries to stand, but I grab her, pushing back to the bed sitting her down.

"Yes, me and Jessica dated. Yes, we had some problems. Yes, she seen me having sex with another woman." Mahara rolls her eyes pissing me off, but I continue, "She seen me AFTER she broke up with me. I never loved Jessica, shit, I didn't even like her! I dated her because it looked better for my company! She knew it was just for show when I started dating her, and yes we had sex, but there was nothing there. We had been dating for about a month when I noticed shit around my house missing, a couple weeks after that I found cocaine in her purse at a charity event and confronted her." I let out a bitter laugh. "She told me she had been doing it for months and confessed to stealing from me so she could buy the shit! So, I tried to have her put in rehab. She freaked and broke up with me." Mahara is watching me like a hawk, but still not speaking. "For weeks after we broke up she started stalking me; showing up at my house, even showed at my damn job all the time. So I had to get a restraining order on her, and yes, she did see me having sex with a stripper, AT THE STRIP CLUB! I've never had another woman in my bed! Hell, I didn't even have Jessica in bed. We slept at her house the whole time we dated because I didn't want her at my house." Breathing heavily, I look at Mahara who looks like she's at a loss for words. Her lips are trembling with her on the verge of crying again. Still standing above her I grab both sides of her face gently, but sternly enough to get her attention. "I have never wanted to be with anyone until I met you. We've known each other for three days, THREE FUCKING DAYS, and I can see my life with you. Please let me make this right. I'll do anything!"

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