Chapter 26 Mahara

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All I can think about is how today is my wedding day as anxiety claws at my stomach, but I couldn't be happier. Even thinking about it sounds so strange to me.

I'm getting married.

If someone would've told me months ago that I'd be marrying a man like Larson I would've laughed at them. I never imagined my life with a guy like him, but now I can't imagine a life without him. He's become my rock over the past couple of months. I love him so much.

As I'm standing in the middle of the beautiful hotel near the venue that Liz picked out I stare down at my bouquet of pink flowers and my white dress. It's a long white lace, off the shoulder, mermaid style dress and it hugs my curves in all the right spots. Liz did my makeup very minimal and my hair in a soft updo. I feel more beautiful today then I have ever felt in my life. Looking up I take a breath walking to the doors that lead outside and Lenny quickly walks beside me taking my arm.
"Thank you for walking me down the aisle Lenny, I love you." I smile.
"Don't thank me. It's an honor that you asked." He says kissing the back of my hand.

Two men come to the door opening them as soft music begins to play. This is it! My heart is racing and my hands begin to sweat as Lenny walks me outside into the soft sand on the beach. The sun is setting casting a gorgeous purple hue in the sky setting a beautiful mood.

My eyes travel around all around landing on my husband to be. He's wearing an all black tux with his hair slicked back and he looks so handsome

. Seeing him makes me smile, but tears burn in my eyes ready to fall. He's standing beside Harrison and Garrett and my mom and Liz are standing on the other side facing me with tears in their eyes.

Walking down the aisle my nerves are going crazy, but Lenny squeezes my arm giving me an encouraging smile. We make it to the end of the aisle where Lenny kisses my cheek giving my hand to Larson.

"Take are of her." He says shaking Larson's hand.

"I will." Larson says smiling widely. I don't think I've ever seen Larson so happy. He turns looking at me as we stand in front of the priest. "You look so beautiful baby."

I smile nodding at him. "I love you."

"I love you too."

The pastor begins to talk and my anxiety goes through the roof. I'm getting married, right now, to Larson. My breathing picks up as tears pricks in my eyes.

"We are gathered her today to witness the joining of Larson Bentley and Mahara Marshall in holy matrimony..." he continues to talk but I'm not listening. All I can do is stare in to Larson's eyes thinking about how lucky I am.

"I ask you each now to repeat after me." He says looking at Larson. "I Larson Bentley take you Mahara Marshall to be my wedded wife. To have and to hold, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do we part." Larson repeats after him smiling, but his lips are trembling.

The pastor looks at me, "I Mahara Marshall take you Larson Bentley to be my wedded husband. To have and to hold, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do we part." He says and I repeat after him as I begin to cry.

We exchange our rings then the pastor looks at Larson again. "Do you Larson, take Mahara to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to cherish, as long as you both may live?"

"I do." He smiles at me.

"Do you Mahara, take Larson to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to cherish, as long as you both may live?"

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