Chapter Seventeen - Fabric and Buttons

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Tangled with Henry, I ran my fingers through his thick, brown hair. He gazed down at me, neither of us saying much. We needed to leave soon, but I didn't want to end this moment. Right now, he was Hank again, and my whole heart clung to him.

"You are beautiful," he whispered, brushing a soft kiss on my lips.

"You tell me that often," I replied with a smirk. "Mostly when I'm naked."

He tickled my ribs.

I laughed and squirmed, but kept my legs tangled with his. He pressed kisses down my chin and neck, while I savored the moment. Niggling concerns from the night before pushed at my conscience to be addressed, but I didn't want to end Hank's tenderness.

Unfortunately, I wouldn't be the one to blame. Rapping came on the door.

"My lord," Ezra's voice came through. "The bags are in the carriage and the horses are being prepared. Shall I enter to help you dress?"

"No." Henry let out a soft groan as he pressed his forehead against mine. "Ensure breakfast is on it's way then return to me."

"Yes, my lord."

Hank gave my shoulder a nip. "Blasted servants."

I nuzzled against his cheek. "We must leave soon anyway. We have a long journey ahead of us."

A rapping came from the door adjoining our rooms and Fanny's voice came through in search of me.

"I am here," I replied. "I am coming."

I attempted to untangle myself from Hank, but he pushed me down. "Make a promise with me."

I scrunched my nose. "I have. I married you."

He smirked but continued. "When we return to the manor, we will spend many hours in bed together. The winter will be upon us soon, and there will be long nights and very little to oversee."

I tapped his chest with my finger. "You are Lord Northcott, baron and master of the manor. You can do as you wish. I am at your service."

"Do not tease me." He tickled me again and I giggled. "Promise me or I will not let you go."

"I swear it," I said, grinning.

"Very well." He smacked a kiss on my lips. "Wear one of your new dresses so that you may show off your good fortune. I am sure your mother will be delighted by the fabric and workmanship."

"Oh!" Shoving him off me, I snatched my underwear from the floor. "That reminds me. Do you know if the reems of fabric I ordered for my mother arrived? I would not want to leave without them."

"If we did, they would be delivered." He propped his head up, smirking as he watched me. "Who would have thought you would grow into such splendid woman?"

I threw his shoe at him and hurried from my room, his laughter following me.


The carriage bumped, knocking my head against the side. Henry glanced at me as I rubbed my forehead. "Are you hurt?"

They were the first three words he'd spoken to me since I'd left his room that morning. I pouted as I stared at the drawn curtain of the window. "I'm fine."

"Ooph." He set his papers and books aside. Grasping my hand, he said, "I have offended you with my neglect. I am sorry."

I gave him a long side glance. I knew better than to question the serious version of my husband. "Apology accepted."

"Let me see your head." His fingers brushed my cheek. I turned to let him examine my brow. "No harm done. The potholes in the city are deep, so sit back until we—"

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