Chapter Twenty-Eight - Fever

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I sat in my bed, reading through the land reports. Counts for lambs born, the chickens, a successful completed harvest, all of it routine, but I needed to track closely.

The baby kicked me in the ribs. Wincing, I shifted to give it more space. Being more than halfway through the pregnancy, the little thing had taken to using my bones for its entertainment. Often, the baby would wake me in the middle of the night as it used my hip bones as kicking boards.

Fanny hurried in, carrying the day's mail. She handed the bundle to me with a grin. "Report from the mayor, some farming statistics, and one from Henry."

I snatched out the letter from Henry, hungry to see what he had to say. His last few letters had been begging me for some word, then apologizing for his lack of patience. He never once said anything about his other child, which still bothered me, but at least he sounded optimistic about his prospects with keeping the land.

Unfolding my most recent mail, it read;

My dearest Amelia, my sweet, beautiful wife.

Word cannot fully express the feelings of joy and excitement I felt when I finally received a letter from you, and what more, containing such marvelous news that you are carrying our child.

I met Fanny's gaze. "He received the letter about the baby."

"And?" she said, leaning closer.

"He is terribly excited." I chuckled. "Oh, I was so worried. I'm glad it finally made it." I continued to read.

I desperately wish to return to you at this news, but I still struggle with negotiations. I do not wish to go into detail, but know I am working hard. Hopefully, as a kind of consolation, I am sending Ezra and his family to you. They are preparing to leave as I write and will likely arrive soon after this letter. Would it be too much to ask that you prepare the old cottage by the lake for them? It is so rarely used. If it is too much in your condition, have Mr. Cuthbert organize the efforts. He is a good old soul.

My Millie, my heart is so full as I write I can hardly stop smiling. A child! You shall make a splendid mother, and I would be such a proud father and husband. I swear to you I will not stay a day longer than needed. Even now I keep my bags packed to leave the moment I can.

I love you.

Your devoted husband,

Henry Northcott.

I sighed. "Still no mention of his other child."

"Why must you dwell on it?" Fanny said as she motioned for the maid to set my breakfast over my lap, then dismissed her so we could speak privately. "Your child will be his legitimately, and the one to continue the Northcott legacy."

Frowning, I flipped through the rest of the mail. Seeing eye to eye on the subject had never happened for Fanny and me. In fact, Henry's lack of fidelity was the only thing on which we disagreed, and unfortunately it happened far too often. To change the subject, I said, "Good news. Ezra will be returning with his family."

Her whole face lit up as she smiled. "Really? How soon?"

"Likely sometime in the next few days."

"No!" She practically climbed on the bed in excitement.

"Yes, and I need you to inform Mr. Cuthbert that the cottage needs to be prepared for them."

"Right away!" She ran from the room.

I chuckled and looked down at Henry's letter. Sighing, I ran my fingers over the words. I had to tell him what I did with Peter. He had no reason to be angry. He did not love me anyway, not really, and he had fornicated with strange women himself. Telling him would be for me, to remove my guilt and show him I wanted to move forward cleanly and with honesty.

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