Chapter 4- The Arrivals

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Up in the attic, Adam is setting up a small monument in the model town cemetery. "I wish I had a better view of the cemetery from up here. I don't know which area is the best placement for us." Adam says with little frustration in his voice. Barbara, trying to clean, lets out a frustrated sigh before pacing around.

"Cabin fever, hun?" Adam questions.

"I can't clean anything. The vacuum is out in the garage. I can't leave the house. Why don't they tell us something? Where are all the other dead people in the world? Why is it just us three?" Barbara lets out, while startling Y/n who was writing/drawing in her journal trying to keep her mind occupied so she wouldn't overthink what has happened in the last few weeks.

"Maybe this is heaven." Adam tries to lighten up Barbara's mood, but it doesn't help. 

Barbara looks at the wall, "In heaven, there wouldn't be dust on the wallpaper."

"Hon... I didn't want to die and Y/n didn't want to die, but really, this is fine with me and look at Y/n, she is all calm about this. Look, we never have to wash dishes again." Y/n looks at her father who tries to cheer her mother up, but knowing her mother that even didn't make a dint on her feelings.

"Dishes? We haven't eaten in three weeks! Adam, I'm not like you, and Y/n might be hiding her true feeling on this, so we don't have to be worried about her, but I'm super worried about her. She needs her friends, I need to be around people, and we both have to go have our mother-daughter days together." Barbara says releasing all of her pent-up emotions that she has gathered over the past weeks.

"But I'm not hungry, are you?" Barbara shakes her head and picks up the Handbook and pages through it desperately. 

"I keep having this feeling that something has got to happen.

A car door slams outside. The three look at each other and run to the window while giving Y/n the book. Outside Jane is staring up at the old house with little Jane next to her with a sad look on their face. "God, it's Jane." A little sound of happiness can be heard in Adam's voice. 

"What's she doing here?" Y/n says with a hint of confusion laced in her voice.

"I don't know. Jane, Jane, up here!" Adam waves his hands trying to get Jane's attention. Not hearing, Jane heads to the car with Little Jane following along like an apprentice, the wind blowing on their dresses.

Barbara watches Adam and shakes her head when he stops. 

"She can't see you, right." Y/n questions and Adam nods. "In the book, Rule Number Two: the living usually won't see the dead." She explains. 

"Won't or can't." Adam questions.

"Just says 'won't'. Wait a minute. Here it says "The living are arrogant... they think they'll never die, so they refuse to see the dead." Y/n says in shock. "Arrogant. That's Jane all right..."

Barbara sighs and nods. "At least we won't have to worry about her." Barbara coming up with a positive outlook on this. Adam smiles going to his model, while Y/n has this look on her face that something big is coming, but doesn't say anything and decides to go back to her room with the book in her hand.


In the Morning, the Maitlands are asleep. In Y/n's room, we can see that some of her blankets are scattered around the bed and a book is open to where she was reading, but dosed off. In her parents' bedroom, Adam rolls over, pulling the covers off Barbara, only to see that she is hovering off the side of her bed.

A rumble shakes the house, making the picture on a mantle jump around and Barbara falls to the floor, which wakes Adam up. Y/n runs to her parent's room to see what is happening around there. They look at one another and leap up to run to the railing of the stairs. The front door was open to reveal a moving van ramp and a blue Italian leather couch slides smoothly down the ramp and crashes into the base of the staircase.

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