Chapter 8- Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice

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Back in the Attic, Adam is looking intently through the book, Barbara is staring at the model, and Y/n is drawing a familiar face in her journal. Out of the corner of Barbara's eye, she could see the model blinking in a yellow light.

"Adam, Y/n, look." The two gets up to see what Barbara is pointing and see its the graveyard lighting up.

"It's him, Betelgeuse." Barbara looks at the two, "Betelgeuse."

Adam thinks, "Go ahead, Barbara, say it." Y/n shakes her head agreeing, but with a bad feeling in her stomach. "


They are transported into the model-graveyard. Instead of it being day, its nighttime instead. "What happened?" Barbara questions.

"I think we're in the model." Y/n answers. They look around until they saw a sign behind them with the name 'Betelgeuse' and a arrow pointing to a grave.

"Look at that." Adam points to the grave that is written with:

here lies

They walk-up to the grave to have a closer look at it. "Well, Where is he? What do we do?" Barbara says with her hands on her hips and right on que three shovels that was leaning on the grave falls down.

"Looks like we dig, girls." Adam goes to pick up the shovels and hand them to the girls to start digging.

After digging through cardboard and styrofoam for quit some time, they hit on something. "It's about time!" Y/n exclaims. They lean down and brush off the remaining debris, seeing a coffin with a brass plate name 'BETELGEUSE'.

"I say we open it." Adam exclaims.

"Maybe we should knock first." Barbara says. 

Suddenly, the coffin starts to shake making them leave the grave. A molding corpse floats out wearing a trench coat with a matching hat, doing a 'Tah-dah' gesture. This is Betelgeuse. The Maitlands looks at him then sprints away from him trying to get as far from him. He follows them and lands in front of him, "Adam. Babs. N/n."

He grabs Barbara and kisses her, then lets go, making her fall to the floor while wiping her mouth. He puts a arm around Adam shoulders, "Wow! You know how to pick 'em. Now let me ask you something? Is this relationship really solid? Do I have a shot at her at all?"

Adam shakes him off, "Excuse me." 

Betelgeuse lets go. "Sure. If I overstep my bounds, just tell me. C'mon." Adam and Y/n helps Barbara off the ground and Betelgeuse suddenly appear next to them, having his arms around them.

"You know what really beautiful about this? You three kids pick me. You didn't have to, but you picked me. It makes me want to kiss you guys! Come on, give me one."

Betelgeuse goes after Barbara gain and she keeps telling him "No" Adam pulls him off of Barbara, "I beg your pardon!" Betelgeuse looks at the three then throws his hat.

"Alright. Let's get down to business. I've got a card around here somewhere. Here. Who do I have to kill?"

He takes out a rat from his pocket and hands it to Y/n, "Here. Hold that for me." Y/n is shocked and as gently as she could, lays it back on the ground.

"Here. There you go." He hands Adam the card. Adam yells at him, "You don't have to kill anybody!"

"AH! Possession! Learn to throw your voice. Fool your friends. Fun at parties." He made the last part come out of Barbara mouth.

"No. We just want to get some people out of our house." Barbara tries to reason.

"I understand. In order to do that, I'll really have to get to know you. We've got to get closer. Move in with you for a while. Get to be real pals. You know what I'm saying?"

Betelgeuse clears his throat and spits into his coat making the Maitlands grossed out. Adam walks to Barbara and Y/n, "My family and I would like to ask you a couple of questions."

"Sure, sure. Go ahead. Shoot."

"Well for instance. What are your qualifications?" Adam questions

"Well, I attended Julliard. I'm a graduate of Harvard Business School. I travel quite extensively. I lived through the Black Plague and I had a pretty good time through that. And I've seen The Exorcist ABOUT 167 TIMES AND IT KEEPS GETTING FUNNIER EVERY SINGLE TIME I SEE IT! NOT TO MENTION THE FACT THAT YOU"RE TALKING TO A DEAD GUY! NOW WHAT DO YOU THINK!? You think I'm qualified?"

This made the Maitlands kinda scared to talk again, but Adam being the brave one at the time talked. "I mean can you be scary?"

"Oh! I know what your're asking me. Can I be scary? What do you think of this?" Betelgeuse looks at them and around his face you can see legs/antennae sticking out. This made the Maitlands scream in horror.

"You like it?" Betelgeuse ask.

"Will you excuse us, please?" Barbara leads Adam and Y/n a few steps away.

"Sure. Talk amongst yourselves." Barbara looks at them, "Guys. Let's go."

"I know, but he can be useful later." Adam says trying to convince them.

"No, we don't. We can work something ourselves. We just have to try harder." Y/n says, but without her knowing Betelgeuse uses a stick to look under her dress.

"HEY! HEY!" Y/n screams realizing whats he doing.

"Excuse me! We are leaving now." Adam says moving Y/n to Barbara and walking behind them to make sure nothing else happens to them.

"Oh, c'mon! Don't go yet." Betelgeuse jumps on Adams back. "Come on, we're simpatico. Look at us. We shop at the same store. Hey, hermano" He stands next to Adam to show off his outfit that is exactly the same as Adam and pulls him in a hug. He then uses one of his hands to tickle Barbara stomach, then pulls away pulling them in a hug again.

"We're like peas in a pod. The four of us. Let's face it. You want someone out of the house. I want to get someone out of your house." He says trying to convince them.

"Hey! Look! You've been to Saturn. I've been to Saturn. Whoa. Sandworms. You hate 'em, right? I hate 'em myself. C'mon kids. What do I have to do to strike a deal with you three?" Out of nowhere Betelgeuse head starts to spin around out of control, but stops it in no time. "Don't you hate when that happens?"

"Let's go, girls!" Adam says trying to pull the girls to walk away, but Betelgeuse holds them back.

"Come up for a while. We'll talk inside. Come on." Betelgeuse lets go and walks up the hill to the grave he was in. "The place is a mess, but I'll fix something up."

"I'm not staying here for another minute." Y/n says.

"Adam, we have to get out of here." Barbara says. "I agree." Adam says already done with it all.

"Home! Home! Home!" Y/n says making the three leave the model and back to the attic.

"Y/n. How did you do that?" Adam questions.

"I hope you like Italian." Betelgeuse looks back, then takes a double look. "Hey! Where'd you go? Hey! C'mon! You've got to work with me here. I'm just trying to cut a deal. What do you want me to do?" He then jumps up next to a tree. "Where are you!? YOU BUNCH OF LOSERS! YOU"RE WORKING WITH S PROFESSIONAL HERE!" Then kicks the tree down. "Nice fucking model!"


Back in the Attic, a small tree falls in the model. Adam leans over to straighten it. "See. We can do this stuff on our own. Besides, I'm not exposing Y/n and that little boy to that pervert again." Adam stands up and walks to Barbara and Y/n.

"Barbara, we did call him, and he seemed awfully pissed off."

"I don't care. I've changed my mind. Listen, I think can scare them off ourselves tonight. I have an idea." Barbara leads them to the door discussing the plan.


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