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  I payed my attention to the board. Barbie and Ken returned my gaze, smiling from ear to ear.

  Coach said: "Human reproduction can be a bit tricky subject...."

  "Ewww!" Whined all students

  "It requires maturity. And as in ever Science, the best approach is learning by research. By the end of this class practice that technique so that you can find out more about your new partner. Tomorrow you will bring your findings on piece of paper and trust me, I will authenticate. This is biology, its not Korean, So dont even think about inventing the answers. I want to see real interaction and teamwork."

  I sat there completely still. The ball was his -- I already smiled, and look how it came out. I wrinkled my nose, trying to figure out what it smells like. Its not cigarettes. Something stronger, smellier.


  I found the wall clock with my gaze and started tapping the table with my pen. I leaned on the table and rested my chin on my hand. I sighed loudly.

  Great. I will get F like this.

  My eyes were glued forward, but I heard silent sound of his pen. He was writing and Unwanted to know what. Considering the fact that we sat together 10 minutes, he was not qualified to actually assume something about me. Glancing aside, I saw that there was few lines on his paper that were getting bigger and bigger.

  "What are you writing?" I asked him.

  "And speaks Korean" , he said, writing it down, and his every hand move was Gentle and lazy at the same time.

  I leaned over to him as much as I dared so I can read what else he wrote, but he folded the paper in half, hiding the list.

  "What did you write?" I asked getting annoyed.

  He grabbed my empty paper and pulled it towards him. He crumbled it in a paper ball. Before I had a chance to say something, he threw it in the trash can next to the coaches table.

  I looked at the trash can fir a moment, torn between disbelief and anger. With that I opened my notebook on empty page. " whats your name?" I asked him, holding the pencil and ready to write.

  I lifted my gaze up only to be met by another dark smile.

  Like it dared me to try and get something out of him.

  "Name?" I repeated, hoping that I only tought my voice trembled.

  "Call me Taehyung. I mean really. Call me."

  He winked at me after he said that and I was pretty sure he was fucking with me.

  "What do u do in Ur free time?" I asked

  "I dont have free time."

  " im guessing this exercises is for grade, so please, do me a favour!"

  He leaned back, crossing his hands behind his head. " What favour?"

  I was pretty sure this was illusion and I tried to think of ways to change the topic.

  "Free time", he repeated imagined. " I take pictures."

  I wrote photography on my paper.

  "I didn't finish", he said. " I have very decent Collection of one girl from school paper that thinks its bad to eat organic food, secretly writes songs and shivers at thoughts she will have to choose between Standford, Yale and....whats the name of that big university that starts with a letter H?"

  I stared at him for a moment, granulated with his presicion.

  I didn't even had impression that he guessed all that with a bit of luck. He knew. And I wanted to know how -- Right now.

  "But at the end you wont end up in eny of them."

  "I won't?" I asked without thinking

  He slipped his fingers under my chair, pulling me closer to him. Confused whether I should step back and show fear or do nothing and feign boredom, I decided on the latter.

  He said: "although you would do well in all three universities, you hate them because they represent cliché of achievement. self-doubt is your third greatest weakness."

  "And what's the second one?" I said in quite anger. Who is this guy? Was this some kind if sick joke?

  "You dont know how to trust. No, I take that back. You dont have trust -- but in very wrong people."

  "And first one?" I wanted to hear.

  "You are holding your life on a short leash."

  "What is that supposed to mean?"

  "You are scared of the things you can't control."

  The hairs on my forehead rose up, and the temperature in the classroom fall down. In other circumstances I would walk right up to coaches desk and ask for different partner. But I didnt want Taehyung to think he can confuse me or scare me. I got the feeling that I had to defend myself and in that moment I decided I wont step back before him.


Hush. ° Taennie Where stories live. Discover now