Chapter nineteen

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  I left the snow globe in its box and and pushed her into a the closet behind the pile of caricatured t-shirts, I kept from my dad. When I opened that gift in front of Taehyung, The smelly crabs looked sparkly and beautiful, the light from the strings made a rainbow over the whole globe. But when I found myself alone in my room, the amusement park looked haunted. The perfect camp for ghosts. And I wasn't entirely sure there wasn't a hidden camera in there.

  When I changed into a baggy shirt and pajama pants with clouds all over them, I called Jisoo.

  "So?" She said. "How was it? He clearly didn't kill you, which is a good start."

  "We played billar."

  "You hate billar."

  "He gave me some instructions. Now that I know what to do, its not that bad."

  "I bet he can give you instructions for some other parts in your life."

  "Hmm."usually, her remark would make me blush at least, but I was in a too good mood. I thought hard.

  "I know I already said it, but Taehyung doesn't really give me a comfortable feeling", says Jisoo. "I still have nightmares about the guy in ski goggles. In one of the dreams, he took off his Goggles and guess who was behind them? Taehyung. Personally, I think you should treat him like a loaded gun. Something about him is not normal."

  That's exactly what I wanted to talk About.

  "What could make a V-shaped scar on someone's back?" I asked her.

  It was followed by a moment of silence.

  "Chaos", Jisoo said. "You saw him naked? Where was it? In his jeep? In his house? In your room?"

  "I didn't see him naked! It was on accident."

  "Aha, I already heard that excuse", says Jisoo.

  "He has huge V-shaped scars on his back. Isn't that a bit weird?"

  "Of course its weird. But we are talking about Taehyung. He's totally weird. I would even say....street fight? Scars from the prison? Maybe a car crash?"

  A part of my mind followed what Jisoo was saying, but the other part, more subliminal, wanderer off. I remembered that night when Taehyung dared me to ride the Arkangel ride. Creepy and bizarre images flashed before my eyes on the side of the wagon. I remembered the horned demons tearing off the angel's wings. I remembered the inverted letter V where the angel's wings used to be.

  I almost hang up the phone.

  "S....sorry, what did you say?" I asked Jisoo when I noticed she was still talking and she expected my answer.

  "What. Happened. There?" She repeated, emphasizing every word. "Earth to Jennie. I need to know the details. Im dying over here."

  "He was in fight and his shirt ripped off. End of story. There's no what-happened-next."

  Jisoo soundly sighed. "Thats what im talking about. You two go out....and he gets in fight? Whats his problem? Its Luke he's an animal and not a human being."

  In my mind, I alternated between the image of Angel's scars and the sight of Taehyung, both scars were healed and blackish grey in color, both extending from shoulder blades to the kidneys and both curved outward along the back.

  I thought to myself that the fact that the pictures on Arkandel showed Taehyung's scars perfectly was probably just a very eerie coincidence.I told myself that many things can create scars similar to Taehyung's. Street fight, wounds received in prison, car accident - just like Jisoo said. Unfortunately, all the excuses seemed fake. Its like the truth stared in my face, and I wasn't brave enough to look back.

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