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  I opened my mouth to change the topic, but the bell interupted me.

  "Put your textbooks away", says the coach standing behind the chairs . "I will give you the trial test to get you ready for the test on Friday." He stopped in front of me, licking his finger to separate the tests. "I want fifteen minutes of silence while you answer the questions. Then we will talk about chapter seven. Good luck."

  I was struggling through first few questions, answering them with memory I had from previous classes. If nothing else, test gained my concentration, highlighting last night's accident on the sidelines and the voices in the back of my mind questioning my mental health. Stopping to shake off the cramp from writing by hand, I felt Taehyung leaning towards me.

  "You look tired. Hard night? " he whispered.

  "I saw you in the library." I made sure that my pencil was sliding on the test, so it looks like im working.

  "The highlight of my evening."

  "Were you following me?"

  he threw back his head and laughed softly.

  I tried again. "What were you doing there?"

  "Borrowing a book."

  I felt coaches eyes on me and focused on the test. When I answered few more questions, i sneakily looked left. I was surprised after seeing Taehyung was already looking at me. He smiled.

  My heart Suddenly skipped, distracted by that strangely attractive smile. To my own horror, I was so distracted that I dropped my pencil. It bounced off the table several times before rolling over the edge.

  Taehyung bent down to pick it up. He held it in his palm and I had to concentrate to not touch his hand while taking it from him.

  "After the library", I whispered, "where did you go?"


  "Were you following me?" I asked quietly.

  "You seem very distraught, Jennie. What's wrong?" His eyebrows raised in worry. It was all act, because his black eyes mockingly sparkled.

  "Are you following me?"

  "Answer my question."

  "Jennie." Warning in the coaches tone brought me back to the test, but I couldn't stop thinking about what Taehyung's answer would be and because of that I wanted to move as far as possible from him. On the other side of the room. The other side of the universe.

  The coach blowed whistle. "Times up. Send your tests forward. Expect similar questions on Friday. And now", - he rubbed his palms, and I shivered from that dey sound - "on today's lesson. Miss kim, would you like to present out topic?"

  "S-e-x", Jisoo announced.

  That was the last thing I heard before logging out. Is Taehyung following me? Is he the face behind ski goggles - if the face behind ski goggles even exists? What does he want? I hugged my forearms, suddenly cold took over me. I wanted my life to be like before Taehyung walked into it.

  At the end of the lesson, I stopped Taehyung before he could walk out. "Can we talk?"

  He was already standing, so he sat on the edge of the table. "What is it?"

  "I know you don't want to sit with me just as much as I dont want to sit with you. I think the coach would think about moving us if you talk with him. If you explain him the situation...."


  "We're not.... compatible."

  He rubbed his jaw with his hand, a thinking movement that I already git used to this few days of knowing him. "We're not?"

  "Its not like I told you breaking news."

  "When the coach asked me about the qualities of my sexual partner, I described you."

  "Take that back."

  "Intelligent. Attractive. Vulnerable. You dont agree?"

  He is doing this just to oppose me, and that disturbed me even more. "Will you ask the coach to move us or not?"

  "Nope. Im starting to like you more and more."

What can I say to him? He obviously wanted to get a reaction from me. And it wasn't hard, considering that I never knew when he was joking, and when he was serious.

  I tried adding a bit of composure in my voice. " I think it would be much better if you were sitting with someone else. And I think you know that." I smiled tensely, but kindly. "I will not cause happiness."

  Jisoo appeared by our table, looking at me, then at Taehyung. "Am I interupting something?"

  "No", I said, closing my back pack. "I asked Taehyung what we had fir homework. I couldn't remember what pages the coach gave us."

  Jisoo said: "the homework is written on the black board, like always. Like you didn't already read that."

  Taehyung laughed at himself like he told himself a joke.

  I wanted to know what he thought of, and not the first time. Sometimes I was sure that his little private jokes were about me. "Anything else, Jennie?" He said.

  "No", I answered. "See you tomorrow."

  "Can't wait." He winked at me. He actually winked at me.

  When Taehyung left, Jisoo took my hand. "good news. Kim. Thats his last name. I saw on the coaches student list."

  "And thats the reason for smile because....?"

  "Everyone knows that students have to tell the school what medicine they take." She pulled the middle pocket of my backpack, in which I kept my iron pills. " Likewise, everyone knows that the nurse's office is conveniently located behind the office, where, by coincidence, the student files are also kept."

  With shinning eyes, Jisoo took me by the hand and dragged to the door. "Its time for some real sniffing."




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