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  Jisoo and I looked up at the same time. The green shirt was standing right beside our table, his thumps tucked in pockets of his jeans. He had brown eyes and elegant messy blonde hair covering his forehead.

  "Hello to you too", says Jisoo. " I am Jisoo. This is Jennie Kim."

  I frowned at Jisoo. I didn't like that she told him my last name, I thought that she violated the silent agreement between the girls, let alone best friends, while meeting the new guys. I waved despondently and brought the cup to my mouth, immediately burning my tongue.

  He pulled the chair from the table next to us and sat on him upside down

  He pulled the chair from the table next to us and sat on him upside down

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Like this lol I didn't know how to explain it sorry

  Placing his forearms where his back was supposed to be. Giving me his hand, he said: "Im Min Yoongi."  Felling way too official, I held his hand " and that is Namjoon ", he added, pointed at his friend with his chin, that Jisoo very much underestimated describing him as "tall".

  Namjoon sat on the chair next to Jisoo, its like the chair got smaller because of Namjoon's big proportions.

  She addressed him: "I think you are the tallest boy I've ever seen. Seriously, how tall are you?"

  "Two feet eight", Namjoon mumbled, slouched on the stool and folded his arms.

  Yoongi cleared his throat. "Can I get you ladies anything to eat?"

  "For me nothing", I said, lifting my mug. " I already have."

  Jisoo kicked me under the table. "She will get vanilla donut, make that two."

  "So much for diet, ha?" I asked Jisoo

  "Ha you too. Vanilla is a fruit. Brown fruit."

  "Its vegetable."

  "Are you sure about that?"

  I wasn't sure.

  Namjoon closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. Seems like he is as thrilled to be sitting with us as I am to have come.

  As Yoongi went to the bar, I followed him with my gaze. He was definitely in highschool, but I never saw him in my school before. I would have remembered him. He was very charming and open, he was sticking out in the crowd. If I wasn't so frustrated, maybe I would be interested. For friendship, maybe even something  more.

  "You live near?" Jisoo asked Namjoon.


  "Do you go to school?"

  "Kinghorn." The way he said that was kinda harsh.

  "Never heard of it."

  "Private school. Portland. Starts at nine." He rolled his sleeve and looked at his watch.

  Jisoo dips her finger into the milk foam and licks it. "Is it expensive?"

  Namjoon looked directly for the first time. Widened his eyes, showing a bit of white around the iris of his eyes.

  "You are rich? I bet you are" she said.

  Namjoon stared at Jisoo like she just squashed a fly on hia forehead. He pulled his chair away from the table loudly and moved away from us.

  Yoongi came back with the box of six donuts.

  "Two vanilla for the ladies", he said, pushing the box towards me, " and four glazed for me. I think its better for me to fill myself up cuz I don't know hows the canteen in Mushroom high school."

  Jisoo almost spitted out her milk. "You go to Mushroom high school?"

  "Starting today. I just transferred from Tulip high school."

  "Jennie and I go to Mushroom high school", says Jisoo. " I hope you value your luck. Anything you want to know - including who you should bring to the spring festival - just ask. Jennie and I don't have any plans....yet."

  I figured it was time to split up. Namjoon was obviously bored and annoyed, and his company didnt suot my already restless mood. I very aggressively checked the time on my phone and said: "we better get going, Jisoo. We have to study for the biology test. Yoongi and Namjoon, it was nice meeting you."

  "The test is on Friday", says Jisoo.

  I cringed inside. From the outside I forced a smile. "Thats right. I wanted to say that I have an English test. Works of Dr. Seuss." Everyone knew I was lying.

  It bothered me a bit that I was so rude, specially because Yoongi doesn't deserve it at all. But I didn't wanted to be here anymore. I wanted to move forward, away from last night. Maybe that memory loss wasn't so bad after all. As soon as I forget about that accident, the sooner my life will become normal again.

  "I hope your first day will be amazing, and maybe we will see each other at lunch", I said to Yoongi. Then I pulled Jisoo by her forearm and guided her towards the door.

  The class was almost over, we had only biology left. And after short stop at my locker to change my books, I made my way to the classroom. Jisoo and I came before Taehyung; she sat on his empty chair and start digging through her bag, taking out bag of cinnamon candy.

  "Its time for some red fruit", she said, offering me some.

  "Let me guess.... cinnamon is fruit?" I pushed away the bag.

  "You didn't eat at lunch as well", says Jisoo, frowing.

  "Im not hungry."

  "Liar. You are always hungry. Is it because of Taehyung? You're not worried he actually follows you, right? Because yesterday, all that in Library, I was just joking."

  I massaged my temples with tiny circle movements. Blunt pain that formed behind my eyes burst out at the mention on Taehyung."

  "Taehyung is the least of my worries ", I said. But it wasn't entirely true.

  "This is my seat, if you dont mind."

  Jisoo and I looked up at the same time when we heard Taehyung's voice.

  It sounded very comfortable, but his gaze was glued on Jisoo while she was standing up and slung her backpack over her shoulder. Like she was too slow for him; he waved his hand towards the passage, mentioning for her her to get out of his way.

  "You look good, as always" , he saud to me, while sitting down.He leaned back and stretched out his legs next to me. I knew he was tall, but I never tried to estimate how tall. Staring now into the distance at his feet, I assumed that he is higher than one feet eighty. Maybe evet one feet eighty five.

  "Thank you", I answered without thinking. I immediately wished to take that back. Thank you? Out of everything I could say, "thank you", was the worst. I didn't wanted Taehyung to think that I like his compliments. Because I didn't like them.... anyways. You didnt had to be 
particularly smart to understand that he brings problems, and I already had alot of problems in my life. I didn't feel like bringing even more of them in my life. If I ignore him, maybe he will give up on trying to start a conversation. And then we will be able to sit next to eachother in in harmony, just like any other partners in class.

  "And you smell nice", says Taehyung.

  "Its called shower." I stared right in front of me. Because he wasn't answering, I turned towards him. "Soap. Shampoo. Warm water."

  "Naked. I know how it goes."




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