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Hey everyone! First off, thanks for reading! I'm happy you chose to read this book. I've been working very hard on it. I finally decided to take this one off a very dusty shelf in my notes app and upload it. It isn't planned, so if there are any plotholes... pretend they aren't there. If they're huge, I'll see what I can do, but if it's too far into the story, I won't be able to fix it. It's not perfect, but it's mine. I also have a few things I will ask you before you begin reading.

Rule 1: Be respectful!

I don't want to see any comments about how much you hate the book or how annoying everything is. As a writer, it hurts to see those comments after putting all my time and effort into this. If you don't like my book, don't waste time telling me that; leave peacefully, please, and thank you.

Rule 2: No spoilers!

It's not fun getting a book spoiled. It happened to me. I'm also aware it won't happen for a while, but please don't spoil anything and ruin the experience for others.

Rule 3: Spelling and Grammar mistakes!

I am sure you are all aware that I'm human, and I make mistakes. So, if there are spelling or grammar mistakes, please comment and let me know. However, please don't be rude about it!

Rule 3.5: Ties into Rule 1

Also, I'm aware there are so many Werewolf x human stories out there. I don't have the time or the mental capacity to read them all to make sure I don't have the same ideas. So please don't comment "You copied this from this" or something.

Rule 4: No Smut

I know lots of you like smut, but I am not comfortable whatsoever writing it. I don't like reading it either. So don't go commenting "Robbed" because this is my book and I choose whether or not I include it. Go and read the millions of other smutty books on this platform because I won't be including it in my story.

If you can't follow these rules or don't agree with them, please leave peacefully. Thank you!

Also! The prologue will be posted on Wednesday, 6th of September.


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