Chapter 5 - Family Reunion

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Hey pookies! Im back. Im just really busy rn but I might start posting again...idk. Sorry in advance if I don't come back for months Anyway here you go! Chapter 5 everyone:

 Sorry in advance if I don't come back for months Anyway here you go! Chapter 5 everyone:

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Walking off the plane, I was instantly tackled. I knew exactly who it was by the homey peppermint scent. Ever since I could remember, Dad had always carried peppermints on him, claiming it brought good luck. I smiled and pulled back to see both my smiling parents.

"Ugh, I missed you guys so much!"

"We did, too, darling. Come on now," Mom said, giving me a quick hug. "We have to get home so we can get dinner prepared. The boys are coming over tonight." Mom and Dad ushered me towards the exit. When Dad pulled into our driveway, I jumped out of the car. I missed home so much.

The familiar sight of the house filled me with warmth. I smiled as I walked through the familiar mudroom. The only difference was the lack of shoes. I dragged my bags up the stairs to my room. I hopped on my bed, memories flooding back to me. I laughed a bit before abandoning my things in my room and going to the kitchen to help my mom. Dinner preparations for our family favorite, plov, a rice dish with beef and carrots, were in full swing. Later in the evening, my oldest brother arrived.

"Mom! We're here!" Dameon called through the screen door. My mom rushed to get it and let them in. While I was chopping carrots for the plov, I heard a gasp. "Elana!" Dameon rushed over and hugged me.

"Dameon," I laughed. "I missed you too." I hugged him back.

"Elana! It's great to see you again." Amalia, his wife, came and hugged me. They married about seven years ago but faced challenges starting a family and losing their first baby. But Layla was their rainbow baby. Amalia is such a strong woman and an inspiration. "How's college going?"

"It's going great. You remember Jackson?" I asked. They used to tease me by shipping us together, but I never felt romantic feelings toward him. She smirked, and I playfully hit her shoulder. "He's engaged, you doofas," I tell my sister-in-law.

"Awe. Well, that's too bad. He sounds like a nice guy." She teased again. I roll my eyes and lift my niece onto my hip.

"I'm taking this cutie to play," I tell Amalia and take her to the living room. While I was playing with Layla, my phone rang. It was Jackson. I answered the Facetime call with Layla in my arms. "Heyy jackiepoo"

"Really?" he deadpanned. I laughed. "That's Layla? Right?" He asked.

"Mhm," I say while pointing the camera in her direction. "She is so big already. She literally crawling already," I pouted.

"Babies do that," He remarked. His tone brought a smile to my face. "Anyway, why did I call you..."

"Yeah, why did you call?" I ask, pulling Layla back before she crawls away.

"Camille wanted to ask you something." He said before positioning the phone on a counter so I could see Camille, who was making a bouquet.

"Hey, girly!"

"Hey Camille. You need something?" I asked her while watching Layla, who was crawling around.

"Yeah, I was going to ask-is that a baby? She is so cute!" Cammile suddenly lost track of what she was saying.

"Babe, focus. you were going to ask Elana something..." Jackson said from where I couldn't see him. He was probably watching Camille with that dreamy look in his eyes he always had since being with her.

"Oh! Right! Elana, would you like to be my maid of honor? I know it's super sudden and unexpected, but honestly, you're the best friend I've had even though we barely know each other for a week." Camille asked me.


"Yes, really. You're the most welcoming person in town and my best friend..."

"Of course, I'll be your maid of honor," I say, smiling. It was an honor to be asked, especially for Camille and Jackson; they were my closest friends. Then, a knock sounded at the front door. I quickly finished the call and ran to open the door to my brother and his pregnant wife and son, A.J.

"Nana!" A.J. called me. He's done it since birth because he couldn't pronounce my full name. "Daddy! It's Nana!"

"I see, A.J."

"A.J.!" I hugged him with one hand because I was holding Layla. "Hey, Alex. Jamie." I hugged both of them before returning Layla to her playpen. A.J. ran to mom and dad, and they greeted the toddler with kisses and hugs. I sat at the kitchen table, watching my family interact. It warmed my heart how much we grew in the last few years. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, I thought about a particular pair of brown eyes. I quickly shook the thought away.

"Dameon, don't eat all the plov before dinner's ready!" Mom called out as she caught him sneaking a taste.

"Who, me? I would never," Dameon joked, laughing as he wiped his mouth. We laughed together as Dad set the table.

"Dinner's ready!" Mom called from the kitchen, and everyone began piling in.

After everyone arrived, the kitchen became a place of chaos. Mom and Dad set out the plates of food while Alex and Demeon made plates for their wives.

"Nana! Can I sit next to you?" A.J. asked, barely holding his plate. Pulling up a stool for him, I smile.

"Of course, buddy." He climbed onto the stool and immediately started eating. He dove into his food immediately, not worrying about the mess he was making. I laughed as he looked up at me, his face covered in sauce and his face of pure joy.

We haven't had a family dinner together with everyone in forever. Mom and Amalia were chatting while Dad and Dameon discussed Dameon's latest promotion at work. A pang of longing crossed my heart, but I quickly shook off the thought, trying to stay present in the conversation.

"Elana, I heard you were just asked to be maid of honor," Jamie said with a grin, not realizing she saved me from zoning out thinking about him. "Your friend Camille's a lucky girl."

"Yeah, it was a surprise," I smiled. "But I'm so happy to do it."

"Elana, how's college really going?" Alex asked, reaching for seconds.

"It's going great," I said between bites. "I'm keeping up with my studies and the new opportunities."

"And what about Jackson? How's he doing?" Dameon asked, teasing me with a knowing smile.

"Dude," I laughed, trying to sound casual while you know who popped into my head. "He's engaged now, remember?"

They finally dropped Jacklana after all these years, and I got a warm feeling in my chest, knowing they wouldn't expect us to get together.

You're happy because you want them to like No-

Shut up!

Honey, you and I both know it's true.

Girl, you're literally me-

I was not just arguing with myself...

I shook off my thoughts and returned to the conversation with my family.

I'll try to get the next chapter in in a few weeks but idk. anyway hope you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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