Chapter 4 - Official meeting

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I sat at her dining table patiently waiting for her to change

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I sat at her dining table patiently waiting for her to change. I'd almost shifted earlier when she rushed around yelling at Jackson's house. I was relieved when she told me it was her cat and offered to drive her, I didn't want her walking anywhere at all after what happened yesterday. Her spaced-out and terrified face scared me to my core. I never wanted to see that look on her delicate face ever again. Her face was only meant to show happiness.

While waiting for her I looked around her apartment. It was so...her. From the bookshelves to her bedsheets. It all reminded me of her and I loved it. I loved her. So much and I've only said a few words to her.

"Are you sure I can't get you anything? Water? Tea?" She asked politely, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Water would be great." My throat dried at the sight of her in casual clothes. She looked so beautiful. I just wanted to hold her tight, I had to hold Lucas back from taking over and scooping her up. She set the glass down in front of me and awkwardly smiled. I gave her a big smile and her cheeks got red. My wolf jumped at the sight. She looked adorable.

"So...How long are you staying in town for?"

"I'm here for a few more days, I have business back home, but I'll be returning soon." My hand was itching to take the teapot away from her and pour it into her cup myself, so she wouldn't burn her hands.

"Oh, that's nice..." She trailed off about to say something but I got a call from Jackson. I apologized and walked off.

"This better be important or I won't hesitate to do something violent," I growled.

"Dude, where are you? I can't find Elana anywhere. I-" He panicked

"She's with me. I brought her home. She needed to feed her cat."

"Oh. Thank the Moon goddess. Is she doing alright?" He asked, his voice still breathy from his panic earlier

"Yeah, it's all good. We were having a nice chat before you called and interrupted."

"Oh yeah sorry bye!" He hung up the phone before I could answer. I walked back to Elana, apologizing for the interruption.

"No worries, it's all good. But what I was saying before...I just wanted to thank you. Jackson told me you saved me. I-I don't do good near cars, I mean most of the time I'm fine, but I had a...situation almost the exact same before. But when I was pushed out of the way...He-my boyfriend- didn't make it. Well, I guess my ex because of... never mind. What I'm saying is I didn't get over it like I thought I had and thank you, for saving me." She quietly explained. I yearned to hold her, to make her feel better, but I held back.

"You don't need to apologize for something like that. It's not your fault." I smile trying to comfort her from across the table. We went on to talk for hours, sharing things about ourselves. She had two older brothers who were married and lived near her parents in Oregon. Which is right near my pack in Washington. She was the youngest child and was getting her Education degree here.

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