Do the star's gaze back

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(A philosopher once asked are we human because we gaze at the stars, or do we gaze at them because we are human (pointless really) do the stars gaze back now that's a question. ) 


Jesper sat in his bed at the Dregs club watching the sun rise he was thinking about lots of things but mostly about how much he loved Wylan but every now and then he thought about Dima the stable boy who showed him what love was, but deep down Jesper had never forgotten the bruises on the boys arms or when he saw the way the stable master struck Dima harshly across the face. 

Even after he'd met Wylan he tried looking for Dima but he never found him and so he assumed he'd run away or worse he'd died. His thoughts we disturbed by several sharp knocks to his bedroom door and then Kaz shouted 'Jesper the carriage will be here shortly to take you to the wedding location, you'd better be dressed', silently he cursed to himself before rolling out of bed and rushing to over to his wardrobe where he picked out his best outfit which he matched with one of his best hats. He stood in front of the dusty cracked mirror and checked his appearance, happy with how he looked he walked towards the door stopping just as he reached for the door handle he turned around and his eyes instantly landed on the wooden box with his revolvers in he quickly slid them into his holster before opening the door and stepping out onto the landing. 

Before shutting the door he looked back into the room remembering all the memories he had made in this room with Wylan, the brightest most recent memory was when he used his Greisha powers to make a ring out of a coin which he used to propose to Wylan. Now it was time to close the door on this chapter and marry the one he loved and give them the home they both deserved, Jesper closed the door locking it and putting the key safely into his pocket before heading outside where he climbed into the carriage with Kaz that took them to the secret location where Wylan was waiting.

Wylan had woken this morning full of nerves but also excitement, he never thought that someone would want to be with him let alone that this day would ever come but here he is now standing in a secret garden that Inej had found years ago nobody ever came here so she knew that today they would all be safe. Wylan paced back and fourth under the vibrant Cherry blossom tree waiting for Jesper to arrive, for a brief moment he thought he wasn't going to show up and then he heard horses neighing and a carriage pulling up outside the walled garden.

As Jesper walked through the gate he stopped when he saw Wylan and how amazing he looked, Kaz leaned in and said 'Jesper you need to walk up the path'. Jesper nodded coming back to reality before walking up the stone path to the Cherry blossom tree where his gorgeous husband to be was stood, once he got to Wylan Inej held her right hand up and turned around slowly creating a shield around the walled garden.

Jesper turned to Wylan and said 'You look so amazing Wylan my beautiful star' Wylan blushed and looked down at the ground before looking back at Jesper and saying 'Thank you my love, you look amazing yourself. I see you bought your guns with you', Jesper smiled at Wylan and said 'Well you never know what might happen, but also I thought they looked good with my new outfit'.

Wylan looked at Jesper getting a better look of his new outfit before saying 'I do like it, you put me to shame my outfit is old', Jesper leaned in and whispered in a sexy tone 'Wylan your outfit is perfect, besides it'll be on the bedroom floor tonight so it won't matter' being lost for words Wylan simply blushed as the priest stepped forward and cleared his throat before saying 'If everyone has arrived shall we begin'. 

(Within every lifetime there are moments of greatness, even perfection, some solitary but others shared. On a sunny morning under a clear sky a small crowd of friends gathered to witness two people stand and declare their love for each-other, if anyone else had seen them they would say they were a strange couple but this group of friends saw a story a true love in this couples hearts)

With what Jesper referred to as the boring part of the wedding ceremony over with, it was now time for the rings both of which Jesper had used his Greisha powers to create them out of two of his gold buttons from his tartan waistcoat. Wylan's ring was slightly different Jesper wanted it to be special so he sealed a piece of diamond no bigger than a small bead of blood into the metal, but something so small still sparkled like a star in the darkest night.

Once the rings had been given the priest took a piece of white silk and wrapped it round Wylan and Jesper's wrists joining them together before stepping back and saying 'You both have declared your love for one another in front of your friends and god, therefore it gives me great pleasure to pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss'.

Jesper was about to gently pull Wylan in for a kiss but Wylan reached out and pulled Jesper towards him their lips. After the kiss Jesper took Wylan's left hand and lead him down the path towards the waiting carriage, once in the carriage Jesper pulled Wylan onto his lap and said 'Oh my beautiful star I cannot wait to get you alone tonight, in our new house' Wylan leaned in and kissed Jesper again on the lips before softly replying 'My love we can't just ignore our friends, wait what do you mean new house are we not going back to the dregs club'.


Jesper shook his head and leaned in so his and Wylan's foreheads were touching as he said 'No my love I have found us the home we deserve, I just hope you will like it'.

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