Wylan I need to tell you something

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Jesper loved waking up every morning and seeing Wylan laying beside him bathed in the golden sunlight that streamed through the thin white curtains that hung in front of the huge windows in their bedroom, Wylan stirred beside Jesper who looked at him and said 'I must admit I really like the way you look in the morning'. Wylan covered his face with his hands hiding his morning face, Jesper gently held Wylan's chin and kissed him passionately on the lips, and then Wylan moved closer and rested his head on Jesper's chest.

After having a relaxing morning in bed enjoying exploring each others bodies, Jesper and Wylan rode into Ketterdam to meet with Kaz and the others at the newly built crow club. Once they arrived they hitched their horses in the courtyard and walked into the huge building which like all the other buildings in the Barrel leaned towards the side like it was drunk, Wylan walked down the stairs into his Demolitions workshop picking up a small handful of letters from the small table most of them were notes from Kaz asking for more bombs but the last one was addressed to Jesper.

Wylan walked over to where Jesper was standing talking to Kaz and handed him the letter as he said 'Here you are my love, this ones just addressed to you'. Jesper took the letter thanking his gorgeous husband with a kiss to the lips smirking as he saw Kaz roll his eyes and walk off, Jesper watched Wylan walk off his eyes fixated on his gorgeous ass knowing that he'll be having trouble sitting today after he smacked it last night leaving it red with little bruises dotted here and there. 

Jesper opened the letter and started reading it realising that it was from someone at the hospital in Ketterdam, not that you could even call it a hospital it was filthy and riddled with diseases. As I read more of the letter I realised that Dima the stable man I'd slept with was in the hospital and dying from Septicemia, I couldn't let him die alone in that awful place I needed to get him out of there but first I had to tell Wylan about him I put the letter into my coat pocket and walked down into the workshop where Wylan was working. 


Wylan looked up from the bomb design he was drawing he smiled at Jesper and said 'My love are you okay, you seem very far away' Jesper sat down on the stool and said 'Wylan come and sit beside me I need to talk to you about something'. Wylan walked round to where Jesper was sat and sat himself down on the other stool, Jesper took hold of Wylan's right hand and said 'Before I tell you this I need you to understand that I love you more than life itself, before I met you I was on a mission with Kaz and Inej at a fancy Palace. I became very attracted to a stable man there and we kissed and had sex in one of the stalls in the barn, it was the first time I realised that I was attracted to men as-well as women'. 

Wylan could tell that Jesper was upset about something so he gently squeezed his hand and said 'It's okay Jesper, I'm here keep going', Jesper looked at Wylan lovingly and said 'His name was Dima and he showed me what love was, and then he had to go but as he left I saw the bruises on his body and then when I came out of the barn I saw the stable master strike him across the face with a riding crop that was made from wood. After the mission I hoped I'd see him again but I never did so I thought that he must be dead, but the letter I received today tells me that he's in the hospital here in Ketterdam and he's dying I know it's a lot to ask of you but will you help me get him out of there to somewhere he can die peacefully'. 

Wylan leaned in and said 'Of course I'll help you my love, we can take him back to the house or bring him back here which do you think' Jesper hugged Wylan tightly and said 'I think we should take him back to the house, it'll be more peaceful there'. Jesper and Wylan left the crow club and rode through the narrow streets of the barrel towards the hospital in Ketterdam. 

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