Your my son

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Nearly a whole week had passed since the night Wylan's father kidnapped and nearly killed him, most of Wylan's injurie's had healed and the baby continued to grow as each day passed. After Wylan's father had told him that his mother was still alive in the Lark Asylum Wylan had spent most of his days writing to the Matron at the Asylum most of the time she never responded but on a white Christmas eve a letter arrived for Wylan from the Matron and it was the one he'd waited for, for so long he was finally allowed to come and visit his mother today at 2 o'clock.

 Wylan woke peacefully in Jesper's arms Jesper looked down at Wylan's adorable face and said 'Good morning my beautiful star, how are you feeling about today', Wylan sat up and leaned back against the mound of pillows as he replied 'I'm nervous and excited, I just don't know if she's going to want me there or even if she'll remember me'. Jesper rubbed my shoulder gently as he pulled me into his chest whilst saying 'I can't even begin to imagine how nervous you are my love, but I'll be with you every step of the way'.

After spending most of the morning in Bed Jesper and Wylan got up just before 1:00 to get themselves ready for their visit to the Asylum, Jesper came out of the bathroom and saw Wylan stood looking out of the windows he walked over to him and said 'Are you alright my beautiful Star' Wylan nodded and said 'Yes just abit tired, the baby's kicking away'. Jesper wrapped his arms around Wylan's waist gently placing his hands flat on the baby bump as he said 'How about when we come home I'll run you a nice hot bath with some relaxing oils and we can fall asleep together in each-other's arms' Wylan leaned back against Jesper's chest  'That sounds like a wonderful idea' he said with a smile. Once Wylan and Jesper were both ready the carriage took them to the Lark Asylum, as the carriage went through the gates they saw the huge grey building with a courtyard in front of it, waiting outside the entrance for them was the Matron of the Asylum. 

Jesper stepped out of the carriage first and then Wylan stepped out, the Matron approached them both and welcomed them to the establishment before showing them inside. As they walked inside they both noticed that the inside was much grander than the outside, once they got into the main room they both turned around and watched as the main doors and the doors they'd just come through were both firmly locked and bolted the Matron reassured them and said 'It's simply a safety precaution, you are free to leave at any time' but to them it seemed like they were being locked in here for the rest of their lives. 


The Matron showed Wylan and Jesper into her office she sat down behind her desk pulling a file out from a box which she placed on the table and opened as she said 'So Wylan you've come here today to see your mother for the first time in years, from your letter you mentioned that your father lied to you saying your mother was dead I'm very sorry' Wylan nodded excepting the Matron's apology before saying 'So was there a reason why my father had her admitted to the Asylum. I don't ever recall her being mentally unwell'. The Matron looked down at the file and then back at Wylan and said 'When your mother was admitted she was showing signs that she was suffering from some trauma, which we now discover was due to your father hurting her when she protected you. She kept saying that people were coming for her to kill her'.

As he sat there listening to the matron Wylan's anger and hatred towards his father grew more and more he looked up and said 'So is it in her best interests to stay here or could she ever leave' the Matron closed the file and said 'At this time we believe it's within her best interests and her safety that she stays here. I must reassure you though Wylan that your mother is doing very well here she's healthy and she does speak of you occasionally, so how about I take you to see her'.

Wylan and Jesper followed the Matron outside the to the patio where there was lots of flowers and and chimes hanging from the walls, Wylan looked around and said 'Which one's my mum' the Matron was about to speak but then a voice from behind Wylan said 'Wylan is that you my boy'. Wylan turned around and sitting in a wicker chair reading a book was his mother he wanted to run to her but he was too nervous to move, Jesper stepped up beside him and said 'Come on my love you can do this' Wylan walked over to where his mother was she stood up as he reached her and gently she hugged him. Jesper watched as Wylan relaxed into the hug and wrapped his arms around his mothers arms, Wylan sat in the chair beside his mother she reached out and took his left hand as she said 'I never imagined I'd see you again Wylan, your father told me that he was going to kill you I tried to tell someone but nobody believed me', Wylan squeezed his mother's hand gently saying 'His henchmen tried but a friend found me and took me to the Barrel in Ketterdam, it's where I've been living and working and where I found the love of my life'. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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