Knives in the Dark

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Jesper looked at Wylan and saw how overwhelmed he was about this job tonight, he closed the door to Wylan's workshop and then turned and walked back to Wylan he kissed him passionately on the lips and said 'Come with me my love, let me show you just how much I love you' Wylan blushed as Jesper picked him up bridal style and carried him over to Wylan's old bed in the corner where he gently laid him down on the bed and within minutes they'd both removed their clothes. Jesper straddled Wylan on the bed and kissed him on the lips slowly making his way down Wylan's neck to his nipples which he sucked earning lustful moans from Wylan's perfect lips. 

The afternoon turned into night and Wylan and Jesper had moved from the bed and were now relaxing in a warm bath, after which they fell asleep on the bed together in each-other's arms dreaming of their future and the baby. Their peaceful sleep was disturbed by Kaz banging on the door to wake them up, once they were ready Wylan went with Jesper in one of the carriages to the red district, the carriage driver stopped outside and Iron Rose brothel Jesper took Wylan's right hand and said 'I promise my love I won't let anything happen to you, before you go I have something for you', Jesper kissed Wylan on the forehead before saying 'For protection'.

Wylan stepped out of the carriage and Jesper watched as his beautiful husband disappeared into brothel accompanied by the owner Lizzy. As Wylan walked into the brothel he saw loads of young men his age with clients of various ages engaging in sexual acts, Lizzy took Wylan into one of the back rooms and offered him a cup of tea to calm his nerves as Wylan sipped on the hot tea Lizzy said 'Wylan I can only imagine how your feeling right now, but your friends are outside watching and keeping an eye out for the killer' Wylan put the cup of tea down and said 'It's okay I'll be fine, I'm one of the crows'.

Lizzy gave Wylan some clothes from the wardrobe and left him alone to change, once Wylan came out of the back room he couldn't see Lizzy anywhere so he went outside to look for her he could see Kaz and Nina standing across the street near the stalls. Wylan heard a whistle from one of the carriages thinking it was Jesper he walked towards the carriage and as the window came down he didn't see Jesper's face he didn't see a face instead a hand shot out from the darkness and grabbed Wylan round the throat pulling him into the carriage and the other hand clasped over his mouth. 


Wylan struggled trying to get free and then he heard a very familiar voice 'Stay still you little shit or I'll pull you out of this carriage and stand in the middle of the street whilst your friends watch as I slit your throat, now shut your mouth', Wylan whimpered as his father tied a thin cloth scarf over his mouth and then used some rope to tie Wylan's hands behind his back. Jesper came back in one of the crow carriages after Kaz told him to go around the block and come back he expected to find Wylan outside the brothel but what he found was Wylan's crow ring on the cobbled pavement. 

Jesper turned around and whistled alerting Nina, Kaz and Inej that something had happened Kaz reached Jesper first and said 'Nina saw the carriage that took Wylan it belongs to Wylan's father and I've discovered that he's working for Pekka Rollins'. Jesper got into the drivers seat of the carriage Kaz looked at him and said 'Jesper wait we can't go rushing in it could be a trap' Jesper gathered the reins in his hands as Nina climbed on beside him he said 'Kaz I can't just sit back and hope that Wylan will be okay, he's carrying our baby I won't leave him to suffer at his father's hands now please come with me'.

Wylan felt pain in the left side of his head as he slowly started to come round, he opened his eyes and saw that he was tied to a chair in his workshop at the crows club. Footsteps caught his attention he looked up and saw his father walking down the steps towards him, there were two henchmen going round the room dousing everything in flammable liquid and suddenly it dawned on Wylan what was going to happen to him. Jan looked at his son and smacked him sharply across the face several times and then said 'You've been a thorn in my side since you were born, I never loved you never. And when I found out you were still alive I knew I needed to find you and finish what my henchmen failed to do'.

Feeling protective of his and Jesper's unborn child Wylan summoned some anger and said 'What did you expect me to remain in that house when I discovered my mother had died and you never even told me, I had a right to know', Jan's sinister laugh filled the workshop and he turned back to Wylan grabbing his hair and pulling his face closer to his as he said 'You really are as stupid as you look, I knew you'd runaway if you found out your mother had died so I forged a letter from the Asylum saying she'd died. She's still alive you little brat, pity you won't get to see her because your going to die here right now'.

Wylan watched as his father gave the signal to one of the henchmen and soon the room started to catch fire. Jesper drove the carriage through the streets of the barrel and as her turned down the street where the crow club was he saw thick black smoke rising into the night sky people were screaming and then he saw Wylan's father getting into his carriage he looked at Jesper and said 'You'd better hurry gunslinger your husband will be dead soon'. 

Jesper threw the reins at Nina and jumped from the carriage whilst it was still moving as he ran through the back passage and down the steps into Wylan's workshop, the flames were destroying the place causing unimaginable destruction but using one of Wylan's fire blankets he managed to get through the flames to where Wylan was tied. He quickly freed him before picking him and carrying him under the fire blanket safely out of the burning workshop into the cool night air, Jesper quickly crossed the street to where the others were and carefully placed Wylan down on the ground he breathed a sigh of relief when Wylan coughed a few times before looking at Jesper and saying 'You came for me' Jesper pulled Wylan into his arms and said 'Of course I did my beautiful star, I'll always come for you'. 

Wylan woke feeling warm and safe he slowly opened his eyes and looked around quickly realising that he was in his and Jesper's room at their manor, he heard footsteps crossing the room and then Jesper's soft voice filled his ears 'Wylan can you hear me my love' Wylan nodded and replied 'Yes my love. How did we get back home from the Barrel'. Jesper took hold of Wylan's left hand and said 'Nina took us home in one of the carriages, it was late by the time she'd finished healing your various wounds so she stayed here in one of the spare room's but she's ridden back to Ketterdam now'. 

Jesper climbed into bed beside Wylan and said 'My love can ask what happened last night, what did your father do to you' Wylan rolled over onto his left side so he was facing Jesper he took a deep breath before saying 'He took me from outside the Iron Rose brothel, I tried to get free but he tied me up and told me if I didn't shut up he'd kill me in the street in front of Kaz and the others. He must have knocked me out because when I came round we were at my workshop near the crow club, he punched me, slapped me, cut me and just before he set the place on fire he told me that my mother who I thought had died years ago was still alive and still in the Lark Asylum'.

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