Chapter XI.

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To hell with Valentine's day!
(or: nearly everyone in this chapter questioning where their life is going)


  Ranpo was walking around in circles, making occasional squeaks or groans amongst his rambling even he himself couldn't understand at times. This whole priceless scene was witnessed by Mushitarō and his ghost friend, both of them sharing occasional confused looks with one another.

  “I'm sorry to interrupt your brainstorm, but can you please explain what you were talking about for these past ten minutes? You know, in a manner of interaction between two socialized human beings?” Mushitarō drew the line, looking directly at Ranpo who's stopped in his tracks.

  “Look- I'm still trying to process everything myself, so give me some space!” Ranpo was already defending himself, as if he was confessing to a murder - which he as well could have been, but Mushitarō simply missed it in the mess of all other side notes and gibberish the ravenette recited in speed of light -.
  “Second of all, in situations like these, I would confront Yosano or dad, but he's kinda as big of a help as a stone and Yosano... she isn't really a great help in the area my crisis come from, so...”

  “Are you accusing me of being a bad help already?” Mushitarō sight, quirking up a sharp eyebrow and piercing Ranpo with judgemental yellow eyes, similar to a cat - and Ranpo was sure he wouldn't hesitate to scratch him with his perfectly kept harp nail if he were to admit that he really wasn't useful at all -.

  “No.” Ranpo denied.
  “Maybe you lost me a little after you claimed to somehow not understand what I've been telling you these past ten minutes or so, but-” another glare from the Slytherin.
  “Nevermind that! You are the best help out here, so please hear me out on this one-” Ranpo clasped his hand together.

  “Wow, he must be really desperate...” Mushitarō thought.
  “And your problem is...?” he tried to start the conversation Ranpo was heading towards.

  “I think I might feel a little something towards Ed-” Ranpo buried his completely red face in his hands, muffling his words. But Mushitarō still heard clearly.

  “What-?!” he nearly jumped out of his seat in The Room of Requirement where the two came to lead the important discussion.
  “I know it's- probably weird and all, but-”
  “You two aren't dating? I assumed so since the Yule Ball, but I guess I was giving you too much credit.” Mushitarō's expression shifted from surprised to amused.

  “You thought we were dating?! Are you out of your mind?!”

  “I'm not the one who's clearly fantasizing about it, like an obsessed fangirl!” Mushitarō defended himself.
  “If anything, you should take it as a complement, that even I, as someone who's been suspicious over him at first, would think that you two are a match.” he added, fixing the stray hair that fell from it's place when he's quickly shifted from his seat in the shock from the news Ranpo told him.

  “If it was that simple, I would have just asked him out, but it's- more complicated than that...” Ranpo sat on the floor, defeated.

  “Wow... because no relationship could never be without a flaw...” Mushitarō rolled his eyes at the clishé statement.

  Ranpo took a deep breath.
  “No, but listen: He is here as a mere visitor, which means as soon as this semester is over, I might not ever see him again.
  'But you can still be in touch with him.' No, I hardly could, because from as much as I know, his lifestyle won't allow him to as soon as he returns to the family business.
  And on top of all, he's confused! About everything; his place in the world, reputation, career, his own beliefs- He's told me he wants to stay and be his own person, not just his title and name, but he's afraid of failing basically everyone else if he does so.
  And I don't want to confuse him and be a burden to him just because of my stupid feelings. Worst of all is, that they are the feelings that are supposed to bring me joy, but I can already feel that this won't work out-”

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