Chapter XV.

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Over... It's over...

   Quess the gap never filled, only grew. The time wasn't slowing down, just running faster and faster with every increasing second. You'd wake up, blink, and it was already an evening when you had to go to sleep again and waste precious eight hours of your life.

   The sneak out in Hogsmeade was successful, but everything following was just distance, unbearable tension and silence between the tree:

  Mushitarō seemed to be doing the best out of them. That is, by acting and performing still the same as before. He was still his over-the-top, stylish and bold self, who was currently hating on summer during every chance he got.
  Inside, he was struggling to process why do his friends have to leave him again; just like with Yokomizo...

  Ranpo was too distracted to think clearly about anything, be it important or not. He's tried to sort the distance out in his head or find distraction by hanging out with his friends, but it felt like plain lies and hurt worse rather than healed.
  Of course he didn't want to think of them as distraction! Of course he didn't want to cheat them like that-! But what else was there? (Therapy.)

  Poe barely smiled anymore. He always stared down blankly, deep in thought. Even passing the finals with perfect score didn't lift his mood a single bit.
  He didn't want to get Mushi and Ranpo in more problems by keeping up their meetings, so he's decided to contact them by letters instead,yet in person, he shut them out, just like everyone else.

  God, why does he have to be in pain?”
  Ranpo thought as the two boys passed Poe in the hallway, sharing only a simple "Hi". He thought about him a lot recently... In every sense of the phrase. Poe was always on his mind, either clouding with worry or sole delight. Yet still, there was no way neither could share a word together.

   Before he knew it, the semester was over...


    It was kinda obvious... Outcome of this year... The fuss about the Tournament... If everyone wasn't so blind, there wouldn't be any point in watching it anyway. Though the finale got interesting nevertheless, as all three of them grabbed the Triwizard cup at the same time and the resolution was based on final points, rather than score in the final Task.

   Still, Fyodor has won from the moment he was selected. It was fair, he did deserve it. Kinda... It wouldn't be right to cheer for someone who isn't your direct friend and representative of your school, would it? Nevertheless, one win, one second place and another shared win was a score no one could deny being the best out if the three.

  Agatha placed a great second place. She fought really hard for it and it truly belonged to her. One win, one third place, one second place. Whether she could keep up if Dazai and Fyodor didn't spend two out of three Tasks being at each other's throats and rather focus on the real challenge, it would be a bit more complicated to answer.

   Unfortunately for Hogwarts, that wasn't the case, as Dazai- due to his demotivation to survive; and to disappointment of everything in Hogwarts or who bet fortune on his win - didn't get a single win except for the shared ine during the last Task, meanwhile the other two did. With that, there was no way for him to end up in a higher place.
  He didn't care at all tho, if anything, he was sad that he didn't die as he wanted to. Hogwarts students would be ready to beat him up, but then again, what could they expect from a suicidal maniac in death tournament? Two seconds places and a shared win was all they were getting from him, and Dazai wasn't going to apologize or feel ashamed because of it any time soon.

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