Chapter VI.

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  Of course classes were as boring as they could get. Even the tournament didn't excuse them; what pity. But at least when they had History of Magic, they could get a shut eye and regenerate from other school work - it's not like a literal ghost that repeats the same sentence over and over could scold them; he probably doesn't even notice when the class is over -.

   Nothing has so far changed that day. The sixth year of Ravenclaw survived their double class of potion with Gryffindor and Herbology with Hufflepuff, and lastly headed over to the History of Magic class with Slytherin. Just like any Wednesday.

  The students were still taking the class as a chance to sleep or gossip about all sorts of things, but mostly the Tournament, since it was about two to three weeks after The first Task happened. Some people in Ranpo's year were still speculating how Dazai even survived or debated other questions like for example 'How Fyodor finished his turn so quickly?' and so on.
   Ranpo didn't usually add up to the pointless conversation, since it was too stupid for his taste. Instead, he talked with Mushitarō that pretty much always had something to say and put it overdramatically enough to make it just as interesting as Ranpo needed to keep focused.

  Yet again, nothing was different.
  Mushitarō was still being flashy and rambling about occult or spiritual stuff, professor was still talking about the four founding members of the Hogwarts school and Ranpo still ate candy he stole from the Great Hall during breakfast time.

  Then an interruption came: knocking on the door.
  Last time Ranpo has experienced someone knocking on any professor's door midway through their lesson, it turned his life upsidedown and sent him to Poe; he could only imagine what will it be this time...

  The professor turned around and said a dull: "Come in." - the students were pretty shocked he was even able to do that -.
  Professor Snape and professor Flitwick came into the classroom.

  “My apologies for interrupting your lesson, professor, but we'll need to borrow the students for a serious matter.” short professor Flitwick announced with a squeaky voice.

  The ghost of professor Binns just nodded and let them go. The students were exchanging confused looks or whispering amongst each other.

  “Serious matter? Is there another 'Hogwarts are not safe anymore' incoming or what?” Mushitarō whispered to Ranpo quickly, making the latter chuckle.

  “All Slytherins, follow me. In silence.” cold voice of professor Snape remarked shaply.

  Ranpo didn't have to be asked twice and got out of the classroom in no time, finding Kunikida to stick with for the time being.
  When the rest of Ravenclaw followed their professor out of the classroom, they found everyone else from their and Slytherin's House already waiting there, fourth year up to year seven.
  Despite Ranpo's rather lacking height, he spotted Dazai amongst the crowd of Slytherins as well, meeting his eyes for a split moment before losing him again. Yet even few seconds were enough for him to tell that Dazai had no idea what was going on either.

  On the way to their House common room, they've passed Gryffindor on the mess of moving staircases, and even they had no idea what was going on and lacked the presence of first thee years. It was fair to assume Hufflepuff must have had it the same way.

  “Aw, what a shame... Atsushi will miss it.” Ranpo though of his little step brother professor Fukuzawa has adopted few years ago. That reminded him the two of them didn't see each other as much these past weeks; mental note of checking up on him formed in Ranpo's head and he tried his best not to forget about it.

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