Chapter XVI.

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  Any last words?

   “Leonore... I wouldn't expect you of all people to end up here.” Poe said, looking down at one of the maids, now locked up behind bars.

   The maid, not much older than twenty, gave him a look filled with hatred.
  She was sitting in the corner of the cell, still clothed in her uniform, yet it was all dirty and ripped in few spots. Compared to the doll like face and perfect silky hair, she now looked beyond recognition, with dark circles under her eyes and hair greasy from prolonged stay in terrible conditions of the underground prison.

    Poe's own appearance has changed from their last meeting as well. Namely his expression and attire. He was beginning to look a lot like those privileged assholes who locked her up. All fancy in dark cloaks with mercyless cold gaze...

   Leonore scrunched her nose and spit in the young master's direction.
  “That wasn't very polite... If you were still working and released, it could get you in quite some trouble.” Poe reminded.

   “Well, but I'm not. And guess who's responsible for it?” the girl said, head rested on the palm of her hand and facing away from her visitors.
   “Listen, your majesty; you're not my boss anymore. Besides, what is there for you to do if I actually spit in your pretty face next time, huh? Lock me up? Execute me?” she turned around with a smirk.

   Poe hummed, raising his hand to give his bodyguards a sign to leave. The two men obeyed immediately.
   “Oh, Leonore... It pains me to see you in a filth like this. Nevertheless, your rightful punishment for disobeying the rules must be carried out. Unless...” he paused, stepping closer to the bars
  “You are not the bad guy in this play, or are you?”

   Leonore gave him a quick glance.
  “I sincerely believe you are not. It would be a shame, it's quite clear that I've favored you the most out of our staff.
  You couldn't stand us from the day one... And yet you came back and carried out our orders every single day. There is simply now way I wouldn't have noticed you were scheming something worth two weeks behind bars, followed by gruesome execution... Not a runaway plan alongside my sister who you've been so devoted to at least.” he smiled.

   “What are you trying? Do you think these lame lies will get me on your side?” Leonore hissed at him.

   “Lies? No, I don't think so... But maybe the truth will.”
  Leonore shifted her full attention to the demon in human body. He was smiling so kindly it could make one's heart flutter, as long as there was any sign of kindness truly behind it.

   “Out there, nobody noticed that you are missing. No one cares about a replaceable servant, but that's not surprising; not all lives are equal, am I right?”
  Leonore gritted her teeth. She knew his last line, at least from his point of view, was a lie. But it still pissed her off, just how many people would agree with the statement...

   “The only ones who will remember you are those assigned to execute you, until they get another life to cut short.
  Believe me, Leonore, even now as we speak, another poor soul is working in your place, as if you've never been taken away. Annabelle, I believe was her name...
  Don't expect anyone feeling pity for your end... Everyone is brainwashed enough to believe you were in the wrong at the first place.”

   “I've done nothing wrong!” Leonore raised right on her feet, furiously rushing towards the bars and grabbing them in attempt to break then out.

   “I know. But no one else does. Not even Rosalie, who you've tried to run away with. She was talking about it with Annabelle two days ago, claiming that you must have gone mad to consider going againt the rules like this.” Poe said calmly without moving an inch at Leonore's outburst.

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