Welcome to Wonderland

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A lone hopping rabbit ventured through the thick forests, looking out for something that was supposed to appear any minute now. The rabbit turned into a young man with white, furry skin and golden eyes, who opened a pocket watch on a silver chain. He stood in an open area on the outskirts of the forest he just hopped through, tapping his foot on the ground impatiently.

"3... 2... and..." Without a moment to spare, the sounds of screams then a loud thud didn't cease to surprise the rabbit.

"Right on the clock." He looked over at the scattered leaves and flowers, floating back down onto the ground.

He hopped over to the location of the fallen girl and looked down at her, giggling as he spotted several flower petals sticking out of the girl's hair and the one resting upon her nose. She blew the petal away and looked up at the rabbit man.

"Oh! Hey, Akira." She smiled.

"When are you going to start landing on your butt and not your head, Nari?" Akira smiled, helping Nari off the ground.

"Eh.. I'll get it eventually." Nari smiled.

"Well.. we gotta get going if we don't want to be late, the Princess is hosting."

"Wait.. The Hatters haven't returned yet?" Nari asked.

"Unfortunately, their prolonged journey has taken longer than expected, but we've got word that they will be returning soon." Akira explained.

"Well... That's good. It's just a shame that they aren't here to host like normal." Nari frowned.

"Hm.. I see your point, but I feel that they would want us to keep up the gatherings in their honor. Or at least, the queen believes so." Akira smiled.

"Ah.. yeah.. The Hatter's would kill us if we told them we hadn't had a tea party." Nari chuckled.

The two began conversing in small talk on the way to the small little town outside The White Queen's castle, and in that small town was where their friends lived. Once the two laid their eyes upon the distant buildings belonging to the town, Nari felt a presence over her shoulder, like someone was hovering over her. She turned around swiftly but no one was there, she assumed it was one of her friends trying to spook her but no one was there. Akira turned back and saw Nari staring back at the path they just ventured down.

"You alright, Nari?" Akira asked.

"Uh... yeah... I just thought... *sigh* never mind." Nari sighed, turning back to Akira and continuing to the town.

The two entered the town and greeted the residents, and then they made their way toward the home of the Hatters. Once they arrived, they found themselves in the presence of numerous people. Fuwa the Chinchilla Prince, Princess Soosie of the White Kingdom, and then Akira the White Rabbit and Nari, who joined the table as of this moment.

"Welcome back, Nari." Fuwa smiled.

"Hey Fuwa, it's been a while." Nari returned a cheerful smile.

Akira served the tea to everyone, then sat back down at the table.

"So... How have things been? Akira told me that the Hatters haven't returned yet." Nari asked.

"Yes.. The Hatters' expedition to search for Cheshire has been far longer than expected. They informed us that they'll be arriving in the kingdom in the next two months." Soosie explained.

"Hmm.. Wait, where's - " Nari began, but the thud of a hard helmet hitting the table got everyone's attention.

"Sorry I'm late. I took a wrong turn." The Wandering Knight, Endex, explained.

"It's alright, thank you for coming." Nari said.

"So.. what did I miss?" Endex asked, sitting down at the table.

"Not much actually, we were just discussing the Hatters' expedition to find Cheshire." Akira replied.

"Hm.. it is quite worrying that Cheshire, nor the Hatters have returned yet." Endex said, gazing at his cup of tea.

"I'm sure they're fine. I mean.. The Hatters are overly stubborn, and Cheshire is practically immortal." Nari said.

"That may be true, but immortality isn't exactly what you think it is.. there is always a loophole. Not to turn this into a depressing subject." Endex said.

"Hm.. Well, drink your tea, it will cool, you know." Fuwa says.

"Yes, yes.." Endex shook his head, picking up the cup of tea.

As the cheerful group drank their tea, Endex felt a sudden presence over his shoulder, like someone was standing behind him. He set down his cup of tea and turned around to see that no one was there. 

"What the?" Endex pondered, gazing out into the forest.

"Everything alright, Endex?" Nari asked.

"Uh..." Endex pondered, turning back to the table. "Yeah.. I'm fine.. I thought I just.. Never mind."

Endex sighed in disbelief, picking up his cup of tea. An anonymous presence lurked in the shadows during the tea party. Everyone at the table felt the presence. Like someone's eyes were piercing the back of their heads, but they all kept silent about it, thinking it was something unimportant to bring up. After the gathering, they went their separate ways. Princess Soosie and Nari set their path to the White Castle, Akira and Prince Fuwa went their ways, and Endex was felt to travel alone down a shady pathway heading from the village. He walked cautiously, holding his helmet to his side as he listened to the distant bushes rustle. A sudden snap of a branch urged him to draw his sword.

"Who's there?" He asked.

There was no response. He sheathed his sword and continued down the path.

He sighed, "Maybe I should have taken a different route." 

The distant sounds of soft giggles were heard by the knight.

"I'll ask again. Who's there?" Endex hollered, drawing his sword again.

No response was heard, but once the knight turned around, he was met with a pair of glowing amber eyes.

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