Endless Rush

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Nari closed the door quietly, but from the other side she heard a loud crash. She thought about turning back but she knew it would only put her in danger, and that is the exact reason Blake sent her to find an exit. Nari turned to face the crossroad hall, remembering Blake's instructions.

"To de right, down de hall, you'll find a room with double set of doors. Inside dat room is de back exit."

She followed exactly as she said, taking a right, following the hall down to a double set of doors with key holes engraved under the handles. Hearing another crash in the distance worried Nari. She fumbled with the key, trying to open the door swiftly. She pushed the door open after unlocking it and found herself standing before a blocked entrance.

"Dammit." Nari sighed.

Hearing an even louder crash before hearing a door creek open caught Nari's attention. Nari peeked out of the room down the hall, spotting no signs of anyone near. Closing the door behind her, she walked down the hall and spotted blood splotches on the floor. It looked like a trail, leading to across the way, into another room with a staircase. Nari looked up the staircase and sighed.

"Endex hurry up.." Akira whispered.

"I'm trying. This thing won't- haha! Got it!" Endex cheered, kicking open the door into the dungeon. "Ok.. now look around with caution, were not sure if there are any guards wandering around." Endex said.

The group spread out, looking in each individual cell that lined the walls of the hallway. 

"Anything?" Endex asked.

"Nothing.." Akira frowned.

The sudden cough echoed throughout the halls, gaining the group's attention. They all rushed down the hall, following the cough only to run into a dead end. The group sighed, although confused, Endex turned over to the cell to their left, spotting a furry tail.

"Guys.." Endex said.

Another cough spooked the group into looking over as well. After the coughs silenced, a pair of glowing bright blue eyes looked back at the knight. The old cat sighed.

"If you've come to give my death penalty.. get it over with... just.. leave my daughter out of it.." He muttered.

"Cheshire.. We're friends of your daughter." Endex said as Akira opened the cell door.

"Vhat?" Cheshire raised his head, "Ah... You must be de knight she spoke of.." He smiled.

"That would be me." Endex smiled, "Ok.. so there's gotta be a method to getting these off right?" Endex asked, looking back to Akira and Fuwa.

"I assume just cutting it will do." Fuwa replied.

"Da.. de only reason I haven't cut it.. is.. vell.." Cheshire muttered.

"Your poisonous to it.. yes.. I know.. I've had to rescue your daughter once from it." Endex said, drawing his knife to cut the infected ropes.

Once Cheshire's paws were cut free, he floated up in the air and stretched his legs out. 

"Ah.. finally get to feel dat ache of freedom." He smiled, "Vait.. vhere.. is.. Blake?" He asked.

"She and Nari are distracting the King while we come to rescue you.." Endex explained.

"Vhat! Dat tis terrible plan!" Cheshire exclaimed to the boy.

"We know but it was the only one we had with a high probability of success.." Fuwa said.

Cheshire sighed, "Vell vhere are dey now?" 

"We.." Endex hesitated.

"We don't know." Akira piped in.

"Vell ve must find dem." Cheshire said.

Rushing up the stairs in panic, Blake stumbled to the ground after stripping over the last step. She found herself on a high tower, connected to a pathway along the wall.

"Why are you running coward?" The King smiled evilly at the cat when he arose from the stairs. 

Blake grabbed a hold of the tower's short wall and pulled herself to her feet. Her back to the wall the King swung his large knife aiming to impale her in the chest, she caught the base of his blade, holding it back from her chest. She growled, using all her strength to hold him back but he was much stronger then her. Without another second she should let him get closer to her chest, she blinked behind him, forcing him to chip his blade on the short wall. He whipped around, swinging his blade out of rage. Blake easily dodged but the sudden slip at the edge of the tower startled her. Knocking her off when she wasn't paying attention, she caught the rim of the tower with her claws. Rubble from her claws clipping the side of the tower fell down, hitting the ground in the courtyard and alerting her friends. They stopped once they saw the rubble fall, Endex looked up at the tower and saw Blake struggling to get up. The King walked over to see the cat over the ledge.

"What a predicament you are in..." He said, "You know.. Ravager venom not only drains your magic.. it makes you vulnerable.. to everything." He explained. 

He poked Blake's paw with his blade, watching as she began loosing grip.

"So once you fall.. you will die.. *pop*.." He giggled.

"You may be de King.. but am not stupid." Blake smiled, knowing something he didn't.

The King was then hit over the head with a brick, cracking the back of his helmet. He growled, turning around to swipe at Nari. She dodged swiftly but was grabbed by the neck and held her over the edge of the tower.

"What a stubborn human you are." He said before dropping her.

Blake leaped up the side of the tower, swiftly siding across to fall off the other side. She snatched Nari's hand, tossing her down to the lower level of the tower, then waited for the King to peek over. Once he did, she leaped again, purposely ramming into him, knocking him off his feet as he slid over to the wall path. Blake laid upon her stomach coughing while her eyes remained upon the King. He turned over, positioned on his hands and knees, pulling off his shattered helmet. He stood up and turned around to meet the cat. Blake attempted to crawl back to the stairs but her failed escape was cut short. He grabbed her hind paw, dragging her back to him. Holding her down by squeezing her neck, the King held his blade out to swipe her.

"Say good night little cat." He said, but the sudden feeling of a sharp blade made him freeze.

"Drop your weapon." Endex said sternly. 

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