A Sacrifice

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"Drop your weapon." Endex said sternly.

"Or what?" The King smiled.

"I'll cut your head open like a watermelon." Endex replied.

The King giggled, backing away from Blake to stand up. Endex lowered his sword as he lent Blake a hand. Keeping his eyes on the King, he directed Blake over to the short wall.

"A noble knight you are.." The King said.

"Nah.. just loyal." Endex replied, readying himself for a fierce battle. 

The King dropped his knife and held out his spear. The group rushed out of the castle, now that they were free of the castle's walls they didn't know what to do to further progress into the plan.

"Well.. what now?" Fuwa asked.

"I'm not sure.. Endex said to wait outside the castle's walls.. and if he didn't return.. leave." Akira replied.

Cheshire sighed in worry, "Come on Blake.." He muttered to himself.

Without getting caught up in all the fighting, Blake looked around spotting the chipped blade that the King wielded before. The sounds of blades clashing echoed in her ears, she found that any loud noise disoriented her. Endex missed a block and was pushed back, hitting the wall behind him. The King cracked the center of Endex's chestplate with the back end of his spear, then held him up by the neck while continuously punching him in the gut. Blake growled, getting up and pulling back the King's arm, throwing him off balance and toss Endex near the edge of the tower. Blake however, bit through the King's cloth-like under garments that was underneath the armor plating on his forearm. Endex braced himself on his elbows, looking in their direction as he tried to stand. Blake bit him so hard he started bleeding. The King grabbed a hold of the scruff on the back of Blake's neck, rendering her frozen as he tossed her over by Endex.

"You! Are children!" He exclaimed, "You believe you can take down the Son of the Red Queen?" 

Once Endex stood up he growled, grinding his teeth in anger. Blake was out of strength and was finding herself weaker and weaker every minute.

"You all will parish at my hands." The King growled. 

Blake looked to Endex, who was standing right before a ledge and with one push he would fall. Blake however, looked over the edge and saw a ledge for him to grab. She got up swiftly, pushing Endex off the tower before the King could break his chestplate. The King laughed.

"Turning on your friends?" He smiled, "What will you do next?" He chuckled.

"Oh... I didn't turn on dem.." Blake giggled to herself.

Blake stood before the same ledge and smiled brightly, "You think you've von? You think killing me makes you strong?" Blake giggled manically. "You think killing me, de human.. and even de knight is going to make difference?!" 

"You're one to talk cat." The King growled.

Blake giggled once more, keeping her smile. "Den do it.. Prove me wrong.." 

The King chuckled, finally realizing why she was acting so tough all of the sudden.

"You don't actually believe that do you?" He smiled, making the cat nervous. "Putting on an act just to seem brave.." 

Blake swallowed her breath, standing her ground as she resisted the urge to let out a painfilled groan. Holding onto a ledge, Endex pulled himself up into a lower level of the tower. After climbing up he looked around. The King came forth, picking up his knife as he approached Blake and stabbed her in the side while holding her over the edge by her neck. 

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