Worth and Loyalty

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Opening her eyes for the first time in 13 hours, Blake found the room blindingly bright. The Ceiling being the brightest of whites, the walls a smooth marble, and a tiled marble floor. Blake's vision was blurry, she felt like her head was spinning. She slowly sat up, bracing herself with her paws on either side of her as she pushed upward. Once sitting up, she felt her head, feeling a cold rag being held by bandages, and other bandages on her paws. She looked to her paws and found it hard to stretch her fingers. She winced in pain as she tried, but gave in, laying back down on the surprisingly comfortable bed. She sighed, closing her eyes as she relaxed her body. Suddenly the sound of a door startled her. She sat up again and turned to the door, spotting a familiar knight walking toward her. She hopped off the bed, which was her mistake, and tumbled to a nearby table, grasping a hold of it to keep her off the ground. Her vision was blurry and her body couldn't stand on its own.

"St-stay.. stay away from me.." Blake muttered in a shaky tone, grasping the table to stay up.

"What? No no.." The knight said, although his words were muffled because of his helmet.

As the knight took off his helmet, Blake attempted to move away, failing as she knocked stuff of the table.

"Blake stop, your going to hurt yourself." Endex says, putting his helmet down on another table before rushing over to help her back to her medical bed.

As he touched her shoulder, she smacked it away and backed underneath the table beside her with quick and shaky breaths.

"D-don't touch me.." She muttered, and to the knight she sounded terrified.

"Blake.. it's me.. Endex? The knight you met a few days ago?" Endex said, kneeling down in front of her as she hugged her knees under the table. 

"I.. I know who you are.." She said, peaking a gaze at him over her knees.

"Here.. come out from under there and I'll help you back to your bed." Endex said, standing up and stepping back to let her come out.

As she stood, she caught herself, grasping the table to brace herself. 

"I.. don't.. need.. help." She struggled.

"Stumbling into everything but to the door says otherwise." Endex says.

Blake sighed in irritation as Endex braced her, holding her arm over his shoulder while she walked over to the bed. Once sitting down, Blake looked to her paws.

"How are you feeling?" Endex asked. "Well.. aside from crashing into things and getting spooked by me?"

"Hmm.. Vell.. I could be better.." Blake replied. 

"That's underst-" 

"Vait.." Blake interrupted him, finding it difficult to turn transparent or even teleport. "Vhy isn't my magic vorking?" 

"The antidote is still working its way through you.. so.. the Ravager blood is probably restraining your magic still." Endex explained.

Blake looked at the knight.

"Just uh.. Take it easy, don't strain yourself by trying to use your magic." Endex said.

"Do you really think I'm going to stay here.. in dis castle.. vhere strangers lurk everywhere?" Blake said.

"For now yeah, you're injured and they are the ones who healed you, so.. the least you could say is thank you." Endex said.

"Thank you? Vhy vould I thank.. dem." Blake sighed.

"Why are you being so difficult? I saved you, you could at least return the favor by saying thank you to them for giving the antidote." Endex said.

"You saved me? I saved you. And it nearly cost me my life." 

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