The Most Curious

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Nari followed the Princess into a large marble throne room within the castle. To the left of the room, was a small table, the Princess sat down at one of the table's chairs and Nari wasn't far behind.

"So.. what did you want to talk about?" Nari asked as she sat down.

"Well first of all, those shoes are to die for, but also.. how has it been?" Soosie replied.

"Eh.. Nothing really changed, but what concerns me is that the Hatters haven't returned. It's been months." Nari explained.

"I know.. The queen is doing her best to make sure that they make it home safely but.. not all the odds are in our favor."

"That's fair I guess. So how has it been here?" Nari sighed.

"Not good. With Cheshire missing, we haven't been able to send a professional scouting mission on the Red Kingdom. My Aunt's banishment was not taken too lightly by the new ruler over there." Soosie explained.

"Do you know who it is?" Nari asked.

"He calls himself 'The Checkered King'. I've been informed that his armor is made of Ravager shells and scales."

"Ravager shells? Isn't a Ravager the most poisonous creature in Wonderland?"

"Yes and that's the problem. We can't figure out how he got the armor."

"He must have had help from someone.. or something that can sneak up on one. Someone very stealthy and quiet." Nari pondered.

"It's a problem for another time, for now.. We must prepare for what's to come. If we can't send Cheshire to scout, then we'll have to prepare for the worst case scenario." Soosie concluded.

The knight turned around and was suddenly met with glowing amber eyes.

"You startle easily." The mysterious person said, spooking the knight.

"Who the hell are you?" He exclaimed, backing up to get a good look at this person.

"Oh.. Me?" The being's voice belonged to a woman.

She twirled in the air and brought a bright smile to her face.

"My name is no longer important, tis you I vant to know." He couldn't see her full appearance, although half her body was transparent.

The knight was hesitant to even say a word, he wasn't sure if this girl was evil or even here. 

"Am I going crazy?" Endex asked himself.

"Oh, no no no.. quite de contrary." If you could picture this girl, you'd picture her as a human formed cat with a Russian accent.

"Then how do I know if you're real?" Endex asked.

The girl giggled, twirling once more and floated over to the knight.  

"Oh... I'm very real.." She smiled.

The knight found this mysterious girl quite interesting, unsure if he wanted to cut the lines between them or bind them.

He sighed, "What did you mean... 'its me you want to know'?" 

"Hm.. Vell.. vat do you think it means?" She asked.

"I don't know, you want to get to know me? Know my name?" Endex replied.

"Mph.." The girl sat with crossed legs while floating.

Ok.. wait a minute, why does she look so familiar... The knight pondered.

"Wait.. Are you.. Cheshire's daughter?" Endex sheathed his sword and looked at the girl with sympathy.

When the knight said the magical cat's name it spooked her.

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