Pass the Tea

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Endex walked into the large marble throne room, followed by Akira and Prince Fuwa. Nari rushed to greet them while Princess Soosie sat down at the long table, near the queen. Akira and Fuwa sat down at the table, as well as Nari and Endex. 

"Thank you for coming at such short notice." The Queen said.

"Thank you for the invitation. What's going on?" Endex asked.

The queen sighed, "Unfortunately.. I'm unsure. The Checkered King's forces have snuck past our defenses on numerous occasions and we have no idea how." 

"How is that possible? The Checkered King doesn't know where the we've placed our soldiers." Soosie looked over to the queen.

"Exactly. Someone from the inside must be giving him information about our plans." The Queen pondered for a moment, "For now, we will keep this between us. No one in the kingdom is to know about this. It will either cause a panic amongst the town's folk, or.. it will alert the culprit that we're onto them."

The table was set, the queen and her daughter sat at the end of the table, the queen sitting on the far side and Soosie sitting on the right side next to her. Akira and Fuwa sat on the left side of the table, and Nari took the other seat next to the queen. Endex however, sat near the other end of the table, on the right side. The faint sound of giggling coming from the other head of the table, across from the queen.

"Vell, vell.. Vhat do ve have here.." Blake smiled, making herself visible to the table.

She sat with a big smile, leaned back with her paws resting upon the table.

"A troubled queen and her loyal compatriots.. how lovely." She said.

"Who are you? And how did you-" The queen asked, but the cat already knew the response to give.

"Get in here? Hm... Dat.. tis not important- vhat I vish to ask of you is a smoll portion of your time." The cat explained. 

"What are you doing here?" Endex leaned over to whisper to Blake.

She silently giggled as she looked over to the knight.

"Oh.. Just having a bit of fun.." She smiled.

"You know this person?" The queen asked.

"Well.. not exactly.." Endex replied.

Blake gently pushed herself off the chair to lean forward and grab a tea cup, then sat back down.

"So why is she sitting at the table?" The queen asked.

Everyone turned to the cat sitting at the end of the table, "Mind passing de tea?" She smiled.

Everyone continued to stare in great confusion, feeling almost uneased. 

"No?" Blake softly chuckled, stretching her arm out in front of her.

The tea pot across the way, sitting near the queen, her daughter, and Nari, was suddenly surrounded by purple particles, floating back to the cat. Once the pot hovered over the cat's paw, she dropped it, catching it within her claws.

"Hope you don't mind me making myself at home." Blake smiled, pouring the tea into the cup she grabbed previously. 

Endex cleared his throat and turns toward the queen, "Your majesties.. This.. is Blake." He says.

Smiling, Blake took a sip of tea, sitting comfortably in her chair as she turned her gaze over at the knight.

"She is uh..." He looked to the cat and noticed she was slowly shaking her head at him, "A friend. We met in the forest a few days ago."

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