Trusting One

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Endex rushed from the castle, running down the same path he had met the cat then stopped. His boot stirred up dirt on the path, looking around then began shouting for her.

"Blake! Blake?" He hollered.

"You seem desperate.." Blake smiled, laying upon a nearby tree branch.

"What are you hiding? And don't try to lie I can hear it.. In the way you speak.. to me specifically." He said.

"Vhat are you talking about?" Blake asked, uncrossing her arms as she pushed off the tree.

"You have been acting weird ever since I've met you." Endex says, "This might just be.. you or how you act normally but.. I can tell when someone is lying to me. You're not giving me the whole truth.." 

Blake turned away, sitting cross-legged while floating in the air.

"You asked me to trust you... So trust me." Endex said, to the cat, she wasn't sure if he was being honest.

Blake looked at him from over his shoulder, "If I tell you... you vill run."

"That's why I'm asking you to trust that I won't run." Endex said.

When Blake turned around, Endex was standing right behind her. She frowned genuinely toward the knight. He could tell she was scared; scared of how the knight would react to her treacherous actions. She sighed as she looked up at him.

"Listen.. I-" Before the cat could explain, distant voices echoed in her ears. "Down." She whispered, while her feline ears swiveled.

"What?" Endex stepped back.

"Down!" She tackled him, covering his mouth as she listened to the guards walk by the parallel pathway that was much larger and more open. 

"Vhat de hell are dey doing here dis early?" Blake muttered to herself as she crawled off of Endex and over to the bushes. 

"Wait, what?" Endex sat up and looked through the bushes to eavesdrop on the Red Guards. "What do you mean 'early'?" Endex asked, looking over at the cat.

"I explain later but for now ve need to... oh no..." Blake's ears flattened.

"Don't move!" Exclaimed a soldier. 

"You two are going to coming with us." Another said, while he and two others aimed weapons at them.

The two looked to the soldiers and Blake sighed. The guards forcefully tossed them into the back of their wagon, closing the doors behind them. Blake's mood dampened and Endex watched as her ears flattened against her head.

"Hey... Hey!" Endex nudged her.

"Vhat?" Blake looked to him.

"What? Really? You're not even going to try? Can't you dissipate and teleport?"

"Tis not dat simple. You see dese binds? De ropes dey tied us with? Dey are dried in Ravager blood." Blake explained.

"Ravagers... Aren't those-"

"De most venomous and poisonous creatures in Vonderland? Da." Blake concluded his thought, "Dey restrain my magic and if it makes contact with my blood it will kill me." Blake said.

Endex looked down at himself then realized a sharp point on his shoulder plate.

"Scoot over to me." Endex said.

"Vhat?" Blake looked at him.

"I can cut your ropes, scoot over to me."  Endex said.

Blake quietly scooted over to the knight and turned around, facing away from him so he can cut the ropes around her wrists. Endex lowered himself, hooking his shoulder plate under the ropes and began roughly brushing it against the ties around Blake. Blake then heard footsteps from the soldiers' armor plated boots getting closer and closer to the back of the wagon.

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