A Lost Stray

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Endex pondered, as he walked back to the castle with the others. He felt a sense of guilt for calling Blake out like that, although he was still unsure if he could trust her.

"You ok Endex?" Nari asked, trailing back with Endex to talk to him.

"I'm fine.. it's just.. I'm not sure if we took that the correct way.. or in.. the most logical way." Endex replied.

"Hm.. I see.. I think we could have taken that in a more peaceful way but.. We don't know her that well and she was right, we can't contain a Cheshire." Nari explained, "It just leaves more questions as to what actually happened to Cheshire. If she's working for the King, then its only logical to assume that he works with him as well right?" 

"Well... it's like you said, you can't contain a Cheshire.. but.. there is one substance and or creature that they are almost completely vulnerable to." Endex said.

"Ravagers.." Nari concluded.

"Exactly." Endex said.

"Hmm.. So-"

"Shhh." Endex said, silencing Nari so he could listen to what was nearby.

"What?" Nari asked.

"Guys stop." Endex said, gaining the groups attention.

"What?" They asked in unison.

"We're being watched.." Endex replied, slowly turned around to meet the six pairs of glowing red eyes.

"Oh no.." He mumbled, swallowing his breath.

The sounds of loud growls filled the woods around them as the beasts emerged from the bushes. The group slowly backed up but the growls came from all around them. Fuwa, Soosie, and Akira turned around to face the two beasts behind them while Endex and Nari kept an eye on the other six that circled them.

"Crap." Endex muttered.

"What the hell are these things?" Fuwa asked.

"Ravagers.. but these are only young ones." Soosie replied.

"So less dangerous right?" Akira asked.

"No.. The younger they are the more poison, and more deadly." Soosie explained.

"Well what the hell do we do? Run?" Nari asked.

"No.. they'll catch us before we even leave the circle." Endex added.

The group stood back to back and their eyes didn't leave sight of the beasts. However, one slipped their sight.

"Wait a minute.." Endex said.

"What?" Nari asked.

"What is it?" Akira added.

"1, 2.. 5.. 7.. Where's the eighth..." Endex asked.

The sudden deep growl from above them gained Endex's attention. He looked over to his left, spotting the Ravager up in the tree, preparing to lunge at him. The beast roared as it pushed off the tree branch, opening it's mouth as wide as a crocodile. Only mere inches away from his helmet, the beast was tackled from the side. The furry creature that tackled the Ravager tumbled to the ground, tossing it into another Ravager as it roared angerly. It was then that Endex realized it was the cat. Blake stood on all fours growling aggressively at the Ravagers that stood in front of her. The beasts behind her, or rather, the group, circled over to her and surrounded her, separating her from everyone else. She looked over her shoulder at the beasts while growling, while also keeping a close eye on the group. One roared, lunging at her but she pulled herself away, dodging all the others that attempted. Once free of the circle, she stood between the group and the pack once again. Her appearance shifted into the form of a stripped panther that looked almost identical to Cheshire's usual form. She stood up on her back paws and roared aggressively towards the Ravagers as she stomped her front paws on the ground, spooking them into recognizing that roar. They feared her. They whimpered as they took off into the forests. Blake breathed heavily, changing back while regaining her strength and courage to turn around and meet the knight's eyes. As she turned around, all the knight saw was her apologetic frown as they made eye contact.

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