CH. 6: A Chemical Rage

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I was in the forest looking for some food. Currently, I couldn't find anything appealing to eat. None of the animals were either not there or were in small groups. I didn't bother on hunting them anymore.

I just wondered throughout the forest. The scenery alone made me lose my appetite, and I just appreciated everything around me. I saw a lonely tree, so I gave them some friends. I always felt good about helping the environment.

That peace I had was vanished, just as someone was calling me. I answered it, and the caller was Bot. Like all calls with him, he asks where I am, and tells me to come back to base.

KILLER: Hey Bot.

Bot: Where are you?

KILLER: I'm at Emerald Forest.

Bot: I'll be there.


Bot: Both of us need to head to mount Glenn. There's something in there that we have to check out.

KILLER: Okay then. I'll just wait for you.

After our call, I just sat down and helped with some of the little animals. I felt at peace. I laid down on the grass, and enjoyed my time. That was until I saw a portal opening up. Bot suddenly came out, so I greeted him. Then suddenly, Skully also came out as well.

I was confused by this, but I didn't question it. The 3 of us then teleported to mount Glenn. Once there, Bot started to scan the area around us. His drones were flying everywhere, and making sure to have the data it needed. Afterwards, the three drones returned, and uncovered some information to us.

Bot: From what I can gather, it looks like there something messing with the environment.

Skully: How so?

Bot: For instance, the animals are getting more aggressive, bloodthirsty, and are killing each other. If those keeps happening, then they'll start attacking people. Also, they might mutate if this continues.

KILLER: Is there some sort of source that is causing this?

Bot: You could say that, but we'll have to see it for ourselves. No, let's get over there.

*3rd P.O.V.*

The trio went to the opening of the mountain. Bot activated his eyes to light the place for them. As they were searching, Skully heard something near him. He brought out his sword and readied himself. Nothing was there, so he lowered his guard.

Suddenly, something bashed him to a wall. He saw one of the mutated Grimm there, but this one was a mutated Ursa. It roared at him, so Skully put away his sword, and he brought out his gun. He started to fire at the beast. The Ursa ran towards him, Skully moved out of the, and the Grimm ran through the wall.

Skully then threw something to the beast. Next thing, there was a small explosion. Then followed by another explosion. Afterwards, Skully catched up to the other two.

KILLER sensed something wrong in the mountain. He came to a stop, and he turned back. Bot was confused by his behavior, so he went to ask him.

Bot: KILLER, what's wrong?

KILLER: I...I sense it.

Skully: Sense what?

KILLER: *in pain* That same energy that I was hit with. *Grabs chest* It's started to hurt. Everything hurts. I can't stop it. *Roars*

Bot: *worried* KILLER?

KILLER: R-run. Run! RUN!! *Roars*

KILLER almost slashed at Bot, but Skully luckily grabbed the small robot. Both of them saw their teammate going crazy. He was acting more monstrous than before. Bot knew that he was acting his old ways. Bot transformed his arm into a plasma cannon, and he started to blast at his friend.

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