CH. 10: A "nice" visit

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*Psychopath's P.O.V.*

My brothers and I were at the throne room. I called them altogether, and they were questioning the reason for it.

Amalgamation: Alright, what are we doing here Psychopath?

Unwanted Murderer: I bet it has something to do with murder. *Unhinged laughter*

Reaper: Will you pleased shut up. You are so annoying at times.

Unwanted Murderer: I'm just crazy for murders. *Laughs*

Psychopath: That enough of you three. I called you here, because we're going to Atlas.

Amalgamation: Why Atlas?

Psychopath: We're going to pay a little visit to that cyborg motherfucker.

Reaper: Why do we have to go there?

Psychopath: I have some business to deal with that prick himself. Enough now, let's get there already.

They all understood me, so we exited the castle. Cinder questioned where we were going to. I informed her that we're going to pay someone a little visit. After that, I left the castle, and I saw the others were waiting for me. Striker opened the portal for us, and we all entered inside.

Once we exited the portal, we see the entire academy covered by many guards, troops, and other securities. Once they saw us, it was a moment in time for this to happen. Everyone started to attack us. Striker uses his mounted sniper, and he took down one of the bullheads. More troops came out of the academy, and they started to shoot at us.

Psychopath: I'm going to find Ironwood. Striker, you're coming with me. You boys know what to do.

The rest of them nodded, and we all splitted up.

*3rd P.O.V.*

Unwanted Murderer ran to the center of the academy, and he jumped up to the air. He then slams his weapon to the ground. This causes a huge impact around the area. Most of the troops fell to the ground, then Amalgamation started firing at them. Amalgamation then picks up a tank, and he throws it towards a crowded area of soldiers.

Then, Amalgamation gets shot multiple times by more Atlasian aircraft. Amalgamation jumps up, and he transforms to his jet mode. He activates all of his arsenal weaponry. Multiple aircrafts are either shot down or blown up. Amalgamation transforms back to robot mode, and he slaughters any troops inside the aircrafts.

Atlas soldier: Fire at it!!

Amalgamation: I don't think so, mate.

Amalgamation slices and dices the troops. Once all were dead, he stabs the piolet in the back. He then moved the aircraft to crash into another. He jumps out and transforms back into jet mode. This repeats as he makes sure no one bothers him.

Meanwhile, both Unwanted Murderer and Reaper have a massacre behind them. Unwanted Murderer went for anyone attacking him. He tore them to bloody pieces. Some troops tried to shoot his legs, but Unwanted Murderer deflects the ammo. Suddenly, he runs towards the troops, and rips them in half. More ate coming his way, so he throws some explosive spike to them. Tons and tons of blood splatters everywhere.

Reaper, on the other hand, immobilizes the soldiers. He slices their legs off. He occasionally decapitates some of the troops. He does all of that while walking in a slow pace. He fires some missiles to the tanks, and he throws his scythe to an incoming troop.

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