CH.25: Dance til you're Dead

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*3rd P.O.V.*

As the day starts, everyone in the academy were excited for the dance happening later in the evening. As classes were being filled with multiple conversations about the dance. This was the same in Professor Port's class, as everyone was talking about the dance.

Tron and his team were sitting at their seats, and they were discussing about how the performance will be. Nightmare was talking with KILLER and Bot about the songs they'll perform. Tron and Rachel were just talking, as Bunbun was on Rachel's head, and Fluffy was in Tron's jacket. Everyone didn't pay attention to their classes, as they were focusing about the dance.

Throughout the school day, everyone was planning, preparing, and executing their ideas for the dance. Soon, it was lunch time, and everyone was in the cafeteria.

As everyone was at lunch, they were discussing about the dance. The same was from Tron and the others.

Nightmare: Do you two have your clothes for later?


Bot: Of course.

Nightmare: Good, we need to make sure that we're ready to perform later.

Yang: You're really eager to perform for the dance, Nightmare.

Bot: Well, he likes to sing and perform in front of people.

Ruby: Really?

Nightmare: Yep, I just like singing the songs that fit in the moment. Also, I plan to make this performance one that everyone will remember till the end of their time here at Beacon.

Skully: Yeah, just like how you did for the Halloween party.

Nightmare: It was fucking worth it.

Rachel: Not worth it, if you jumped off the stage to have people carry you, and then go into shadow mode to lift them up.

Nightmare: Still worth it.

Rachel facepalms, as Nightmare was acting like a moron at the moment. The rest of the group were just talking amongst each other. While talking, they were interrupted by Cardin and his team. He slammed his mace to their table, and he was sitting at their seats.

Cardin: Well, look at the pretty girls here. Surely you all will want to go with me to the dance. Especially you, Pinky.

Rachel was disgusted by Cardin's "flirting", so she just ignores him. This didn't help, as he was trying to get her attention. Cardin puts his hand on her shoulders to have her look at him.

Cardin: Hey, I'm talking to you.

Rachel: And I'm ending this conversation. *Turns away*

Cardin was about to get her attention again, but he is stopped by Jaune.

Jaune: Hey, leave her alone, Cardin.

Cardin: Oh, is the pip squeak talking to me? Sorry, I don't listen to weaklings.

Jaune: I'm not that anymore.

Cardin: Oh really then? *Pulls out his mace* Then prove it to me.

Jaune didn't want to fight him, but he knew that he couldn't back down now. He pulls out his shield and has the blaster ready to stun Cardin.

Cardin: Really? Just your shield? Oh, this'll be easy for me.

Cardin slams his mace to his shield, but Jaune bashes him in the face. He did it a couple of times, and he shoots Cardin, which stun him a bit. Cardin tries to go after him, but Jaune kept on shooting him, and then bashes his face again. This has Cardin fall to the ground.

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