CH.14: It's Spooky Time

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*Tron's P.O.V.*

It was around 7 in the morning, and my alarm went off. I got up and checked the time and day. I then saw that it was Halloween, so jumped out of bed, and I started waking everyone up.

Tron: *shakes them awake* Guys, guys, guys, guys!!!! Wake up, wake up, wake up!!! It's Halloween!!

Rachel: *grumbles* We know. Just let us sleep a little longer. *Yawns* We're all tired.

Tron: Fine.

I then them continued to sleep while I got ready for the day. Afterwards, I went to the kitchen, and I started making some breakfast for myself. Both Bunbun and Fluffy were already awake. I gave them their food, and I got mine. While I was eating, someone was knocking on the door. I answered it, and Velvet was the one knocking.

Tron: Hey, Velvet. How ya been?

Velvet: Good, but can I talk to you for a second?

Tron: Sure.

I let her in, and she sat down on the couch. I closed the door and I sat next to her.

Tron: So, what is it that you want to talk about?

Velvet: Can I stay here for awhile? Coco is already trying to have me try out different costumes to wear for Halloween. I already have a costume, but she won't listen to me.

Tron: *chuckles* Sure, you can stay here for awhile. So what are you dressing up for Halloween?

Velvet: I can't tell you that. It's a surprise.

Tron: Okay then.

We then started talking about other things. Velvet kept asking about my missions lately. I answered by what's been happening, and she's just listened to everything I said. Afterwards, I was done telling her everything that's been happening.

Velvet: Wow, that's something to know. So, you and Ruby are dating now?

Tron: That's the only thing you picked up on?

Velvet: Sort of, but I did understand the other things.

Tron: Anyways, you excited that it's Halloween?

Velvet: Not really. I don't really like to be scared, but I do like dressing up.

Tron: Heh, I used to be like that when I was younger. Besides, dressing up as anything for Halloween is awesome though.

Velvet: You're not wrong there.

An hour went by, and my team finally got up. They walked out the room, and they were now in the living room.

Tron: Hey guys.


Skully: What's up.

Everyone was soon awake, and we all were just chilling at the living room. That was when I got a call from Ruby. I then answered it.

Tron: *through phone* Hello?

Ruby: *through scroll* Tron, can you come to my dorm? I need your help with something.

Tron: Sure.

I then left my dorm, and I made my to Ruby's dorm. I knocked on the door, and Weiss answers it.

Weiss: Tron? What are you doing here?

Tron: Ruby called me to help her with something.

Weiss: Okay then.

I entered the dorm, and I see the others there.

Tron: Hey girls.

Yang: Sup.

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