Bio: Mk.5

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This is to explain more on Tron's new suit.

Information: The suit has been created with different elements of both fabric and metal. The metal is the same metal that Tron has been using for his suits. The metal that he has is a custom one that he infused with the strongest, flexible, and overall metals he could get. He infused the metal he created with the fabric that his jacket suits has. This gives him more range of motion, but it also protects him from any attacks.

Durability: The suit is highly durable with anything that hits it. It can range from bullets to full on annihilating type attacks. If the suit ever gets damaged, it can repair itself while in battle. Practically nothing can penetrate it.

Weaponry: The suit practically has every single weapons that it can create during fights. From melee to arsenal, this suit can make any weapons that Tron needs in battle. It can create even the deadliest weapons to exist. It can even create non lethal weapons as well.

Storage: The suit can store anything that it needs to store in. It can store anything from its back and the forearms.

Traversal: The suit has thrusters, and they're located behind the heel of the shoe, the sides, and under the shoe.

Defenses: The suit is capable of handling big hits, but it does has defenses in case. The suit has a system that allows it to store up any kinetic energy in it. Tron was inspired by how Yang's semblance is, so he used that concept and applied to the suit. Only difference is that it can create much stronger hits, and can store the energy for other use.

The suit is practically Tron's best suit that he has ever made, but there can still be more room for new suits. This is one of his best creations.



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