CH.30: Race Against Chaos

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*Ruby's P.O.V.*

I was having a wonderful dream about having a wonderful life with Tron. We were happy together and even had a kid. I was having the best dream in my life, but everything around me started to be engulfed in black and red. All I saw was a dark purple void surrounding me.

I knew who it was, so I turned around expecting Psychopath, but he wasn't there. I was confused by this, as he had done this to me before, but I guess he wasn't here. I thought that this was me doing this to my dream, but it wasn't me doing this. That was until I heard a sinister laugh behind me. I turned around, and I saw Scourge behind me.

I moved away from him, and the two of us were in a far distance from each other. He just looks at me with that sinister smile of his.

Scourge: What's the matter, Little Red? Ain't happy to see me?

Ruby: What are you doing here?

Scourge: I came to see what the infamous leader of team RWBY was doing.

Ruby: Anything else?

Scourge: I also sensed that you're in my dimension with Tron.

Ruby: How do you know that?

Scourge: I still have a small fragment connection to Tron's mind, but I can only feel when he's in our dimension again.

Ruby: But what do you want exactly?

Scourge: I came to tell you that the attack will happen tomorrow, and I want to make sure you know that.

Ruby: Wouldn't that ruin your whole surprise attack?

Scourge: We don't care about that, as we know that you all will find out about our attack.

I just stand there, waiting for Scourge to say something to me. However, something else happened. I looked around, and I see that the entire void is now space and a few chunks of land is floating around. I see Tron laying on  a big chunk of land, as he was breathing heavily. I ran towards him, and I saw that he had a fatal stab wound in his chest.

I knew this was one of his memories, as Scourge is in my mind. I turned around to see him, and he just walked towards me. He stands on the opposite side. He looks at Tron, and he gave a small chuckle.

Scourge: It's funny to see that even he doesn't regret dying, of it meant for everyone else to live.

Ruby: What memory is this?

Scourge: It's the memory of when he finally killed my brothers, and where he killed Annihilator for good. This costed his own life, and he was accepting it as he did what he was created to do.

I looked at Tron, and he was smiling while looking at different planets in front of him. Blood seeped out of his mouth, but he just remains in a sitting position.

Memory Tron: I did it. *Coughs* Everyone is safe.

He closes his eyes and he started to fade away, and the only things remaining were his souls. That was until each broke into two and disappeared. This was the first time that I actually see Tron die, but I knew that he came back after this. I turn my attention to Scourge, who was looking at where Tron was at.

Scourge: I thought that I died along with him, as this adventure was finally over. I was wrong, when he was brought back to life. I thought that I was gone from his mind, but I reemerged back to his mind. I thought that my pain would be over, however, Overworld had other plans for me.

Everything became dark purple again, and we were back in the void. Scourge started to laugh again, as he was losing his mind for a moment. After he was done laughing, he looks at me. Both of us stared at each other, but I readied myself if he tries to attack.

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