Chapter 49 - Battle Analysis

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"Hey Lilith" Waved Rimuru as he saw Lilith running over. 

The two insects on the capsules have come out and are currently kneeling in front of Rimuru. 

They now have a more humanoid form than their original insect forms. They evolved into the Insectar race; the one that is like what Zelanus was before being named.  

"Agh," Lilith shouted as she stomped the ground seeing the two Insectar. "I wanted to see them come out too!" She ruffled her hair in irritation. 

"Too late," Rimuru grinned at her. "Just watched the recording some other time. Now back on topic."

Rimuru looked at Diablo who came with Lilith, he assumed that Diablo was here to give his bizarre request for weather machines. He thought up an idea to measure the newly evolved Insectars.

"Perfect timing Diablo," Rimuru said to Diablo who bowed. "Can you try fighting them?" he pointed at the two Insectars still kneeling in front of Rimuru.

The Apito froze for a bit hearing Rimuru's words, while Zegion was merely listening to every word that left Rimuru's mouth.  

"Both of them Rimuru-sama?" Diablo asked, assuming the plan was to measure their individual strength and capabilities. Fighting them individually would be the most optimum and efficient action. Of course, Diablo would not argue with whatever decision Rimuru came up with.

"Fight them one at a time, Apito would be first then Zegion. Just test their strength, no need to take it seriously." 

"Kufufufu Understood Rimuru-sama" Diablo bowed, "You two, let's go to the training ground." 

Zegion and Apito looked towards Rimuru who nodded, both of them stood up and started following Diablo. Rimuru and the others followed after them. 

"We'll start with you Apito," Diablo gestured for her to come to the middle of the training grounds where he was. Meanwhile, Zegion remained in the corners to watch with the others. 

"Kufufufu Let's test you're new body shall we?" Diablo announced to which Apito took as a sign to start. 

Apito flew to distance herself from Diablo, since he has been training both her and Zegion for years, she knew that she won't be able to defeat him. The most she can do right now is show what she can do in front of Rimuru. With the main goal of living a strong impression to her lord. 

Diablo simply watch Apito circle around her, as stated before by Rimuru. Taking the fight seriously was not the point of the fight, but to test out new abilities of the newly evolved subordinates of Rimuru. 

"Poison needle" Apito materializes several needles beside her which fired towards Diablo in high speed. The needles came from all directions of Diablo as Apito continues to circle around him. 

Diablo didn't need to block the needles as his body is made of extremely tough materials. However, he made simple barriers to cover his body and simple magic like earth wall and water sphere to block the attack. 

As expected by Diablo both earth wall and water sphere could not resist the poison needles and were destroy. In a similar manner, the barrier covering Diablo's body was also taken down by the needles. Any beings below Special A would have died from taking a direct hit from them. 

"Kufufufu impressive Apito," Diablo smiled as he clapped, the attack itself was a simple one, yet it packs this much punch. "Let's test your agility," With a flick of his finger Diablo activated several fire balls. 

"Please take me seriously Diablo-sama," Apito stated as she saw the fire balls preparing to fire at her. "Magic like that wouldn't work on me." 

"Kufufufu we'll see about that," Diablo fired at Apito who felt danger at his words. 

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