Chapter 38 - Beetle & Bee

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"Lord Rimuru here is this week's report on the newly marked sectors of Universe Luc," Gamaliel said as he placed the folder down on the table before bowing and leaving the office.

As Gamaliel walked through the hallway after passing the info from the original Universe he was placed to supervise, he froze as he saw the people who walked pass him and went to the office. He could only pray that a fight does not happen inside Citadel.

"Yo, Rimuru! I came to visit." Veldanava barged into the office as Rimuru sips his tea. Noir was standing behind Rimuru, and Velgrynd was laying on the sofa reading.

"Brother?" Velgrynd sat down and looked at him confused. 

"Why the visit?" Rimuru asked. 

"Ah, it's about these guys," Veldanava said as he went inside, the ones behind him follow inside. Velgrynd stood up and took a battle stance as she saw the three Insectars. 

"What are they doing here?" Velgrynd glared at them as she asked Veldanava. 

"Now, Now. They didn't come here to fight." Veldanava tried reassuring as he sat down on the sofa, the three Insectar went behind him. "I made a deal with them, in exchange for their cooperation, I let them live in one of the universes."

(A/N: there are two large sofa's facing each other, Velgrynd seats on the left, Veldanava on the right)

"So, you came here to ask me, which universe I could give them?"Rimuru asked as he sighed.

"It's good that you could catch quick, isn't that great Zelanus." Veldanava said as he looked at the Insectar that Rimuru fought. 

"Indeed, creator." Zelanus nodded as he has his arms cross.

(A/N: Since he calls Milim as Creator's daughter, I made it that he calls Veldanava as Creator.)

The room went silent, Rimuru and Velgrynd were frozen in place. Once Rimuru recovers, he stood up and slams the table and the files fall to the ground. 

"Did you just name him?!" Rimuru shouted.

Noir started picking up the files and sorted them to the side. 

"Ah.." Veldanava went silent like he let a secret slip. He looked away, ignoring both Rimuru's and Velgrynd's gazes.

Rimuru sat back down and massages his temple. He looks at Velgrynd who has a similar expression to him. Then he looks at Veldanava, who jolted under his gaze before sighing.

"Hey! If you're going to say something, say it already." Veldanava said impatiently. "The silence is really loud..."

"It's just... I just said.. for the last time.. *sigh*.. just forget it." Rimuru placed his head in the table.

"Somehow that hurts more than the usual sermon..."

"Just forget it, back on topic. You want to give them a Universe? What kind?" Rimuru gave up and tried composing himself.

"Ah, yeah. Zelanus here can tell you about it." Veldanava answered as he pointed at Zelanus. He stepped forward.

"We want a fertile Universe, a place where my kin can live. It has to be high in magicule concentration and has a lot of worlds to conquer and-." Zelanus started listing what he wants.

Rimuru looks annoyed. "That's a long list, we haven't even scanned an entire universe."

"I guess, you guys are either slacking off or incompetent."

"Hoh~ mind repeating that." Rimuru glared as he smiled looking at Zelanus. 

"I didn't realize, you're deaf as well. No wonder you almost got killed by an 'insect' as you call me." Zelanus bantered back.

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