Chapter 16 - New Race & Rewards

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"So can you give me an update again on what happened here while I'm gone?" asked Argent to everyone in the room.

"Hmm~ where should I start? Ah! Do you remember the spirits that you and Sylvia-chan brought? They became new races while you were away. Gunther-kun have the two be brought here." twilight said.

"Understood." Gunther bowed and went outside the room to bring the two.

After a few minutes, two people came with Gunther.

""We welcome your arrival Argent-sama.""

The two bowed.

Hmm? Are these the two-spirit lords from before? They seem stronger, hey! They're class 6!?

"Twilight these two... They're class 6," said Argent.

(A/N: class 6 lowest is an awakened Clayman. The highest is a true dragon, the ranking system is still vague since true dragons rarely rampage.... Yet. The two former spirit lords are awakened Clayman level.)

"Yes! That's right! They are the strongest of their kind. Let me introduce them to you." proudly said Twilight.

"This here is Enki-kun, the former flame lord!"

"It has been a while Argent-sama, I hope that you remember me." bowed Enki.

"and this here is Siren-chan! The former water lord

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"and this here is Siren-chan! The former water lord."

"It is a pleasure to see you again Argent-sama, I am pleased with your safe revival." bowed siren.

"y-yes the pleasures mine

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"y-yes the pleasures mine. Hey a question, why are they respectful to me? They should be stronger than me currently at least." said Argent looking at Twilight.

Twilight shrugged his shoulders.

"Apparently they wish to become your subordinates, they said that even if they became stronger than you. You still defeated them and have already sworn loyalty to you."

"Huh? Wait, wait! You mean the 'if you defeat us will submit' thing is them pledging their loyalty to me?" asked Argent confused.

"" Yes! "" confirmed the two.

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