Chapter 2 ✧

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72nd Street and 2nd Avenue, Manhattan Midtown Apartment 📍

6:20 a.m.

School. My alarm is in the corner of my room so I have to get up to turn it off otherwise I would sleep in. After i'm standing up I actually like getting ready, it's my time you know? I go to my record player and play Passin' Me By by The Pharcyde. I open my closet and grab my uniform since I go to a catholic school. Half way putting my skirt on I look at my bed through my mirror and Jim Carroll is sleeping in my bed.

" JIM CARROLL!" i shout. I totally forgot about last night, shit.

"WHAT! Oh." he says looking around after I scared the crap out of him.

"you've gotta be kidding."

"i fell asleep during the movie and I was tired from my basketball game" he shrugs, I didn't say anything.

"can you put on a top or something?" he says and I go red. This is not going well.

"Can you not be such a dick?" i say with no response back

"thought so."

I go put the rest of my uniform on while Jim goes to the bathroom. after putting my shoes on I go to the bathroom.

"Jim hurry the fuck up please"

i say as he opens the door with a toothbrush in his mouth, don't worry it's not mine he found it under the sink. He stands behind me as I brush my teeth, We make eye contact through the mirror and laugh. I spit it out and so does he then I try to figure out what i'm going to do with my hair.

"so what do we think for hair today?" i ask while flipping my hair sarcastically

" I like when you have your hair up." he reply's normally and i turn to look at him, not knowing if it's a compliment or not.

"here" he says grabbing one of my mom's ponytails

"Oh like you know what your doing."

"I do my moms hair before she works at the bakery."


Jim goes to change into his uniform while I walk to the bus stop. He caught up and we sat on the bus. Jim and I have always walked to school together since kindergarten. We go to the same school but the boys normally play basketball games at the boys only catholic school a couple blocks away. The bus stops and we walk into the school and go out separate ways.

"Mickey!" i yell at him while I walk into the classroom.

"Hey Mae, how's your morning?" he says as I take my same seat as always beside him.

"alright, what about you?" I couldn't actually tell him what happened.

"it was the same as always" he said as the teacher walked in and shut everybody up.

I actually want to try in school. I told my mom I would because she never got the opportunity to have good education in her childhood, I guess I just want to make her proud. When my mom was growing up her mom passed away when she was 9 due to an overdose of heroin use, that's why she always wants to know where I am and making sure I'm not doing crack who knows where. She thinks she knows where I am but really she doesn't I just lie and say i'm at the basketball courts with Jim.

"Hey you have a spare highlighter?" Brynn asks

"Let me see" I smile back at her

"Yeah, does green work?"

"perfect, thank you!"

"Of course" i smile at her, I really like Brynn she's the only girl who will even talk to me.

Other girls won't because of the place I live. I live in the shitty area of Manhattan and all the girl even Byrnn lives around St.Brandon's. Brynn doesn't hang out with many people I find but I consider her as one of my friends. The snobby fancy catholic girls won't talk to me because years ago my dad and his friends broke into one of their houses. It's not like they make fun of me, they just leave me alone and i'm okay with that. My dad's actions have nothing to do with mine and I hate how everyone knows me because of my dad, especially when I haven't seen his face in years.

Jim's POV ★

I walk into class late per usual.

"Mr.Carroll late again?" the teacher speaks and I swear my ears ring.

"Sorry." I say as I take a seat at the back where I normally sit.

I have no classes with anyone I know except for algebra with Neutron. I hate school I feel like it takes away your childhood, I mean I climb buildings with Mae to feel something but that barley even works anymore. I don't know what to do anymore.

"You're one of Maeve Raynott's friends right?"

" um yeah why?"

"can you mention me to her?"

"who even are you?"

" Kyle Rylnn"

"okay but why?"

"why you being such a bitch about it? Are you dating her or something?" he says

"No but I know she wouldn't be interested." i say trying to end this conversation.

"Fine i'll find her myself." he says

"okay?" i reply. What does this guy want?

"Mr.Carroll you come into my class late and interrupt my teaching? Do you need to get detention young man?"

Fuck sakes.

"Sorry sir, but Kyle Rylnn here keeps asking me about girls and interrupting me trying to learn." i say smirking at this Kyle kid.

Kyle glares at me.

"Well I suppose Mr.Rylnn can have detention after school."

" I suppose so too." i say

That's what you get for trying to get with Maeve fucking Raynott.

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐆𝐞𝐭 𝐌𝐞 𝐒𝐨 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡 𖦹 The Basketball Diaries fanfic ⁂Where stories live. Discover now