Chapter 25 ✧

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41st Street and 2nd Avenue, New York, Manhattan Catch 35 Restaurant📍

Mae's POV ★

I can feel my chest rise and fall quicker then normal and my legs are a little bouncy; I'm nervous.

I want to see Mickey right away but mom says he needs to rest and the hospital said to visit around eight and it's only six. I sit in a booth near the window with my mom while we wait for the Carroll's to show, boy am I excited. I watch as a vehicle pulls into the parking lot of Catch 35 and Jim gets out slamming the door along with him mom. They both walk in, Ms.Carroll first and look around to see us seated.

"Hey dear." Ms.Carroll says to me and I say hi back.

Jim decided it would be good to sit right across from me, a dick per usual. I don't even care too look at Jim even though the parents don't know about the arguments and what's going on.

"You both are awfully quite?" My mom looks at Jim then me.

"Mom we are just tired." I reply giving her the hint and she totally ignores it.

"Would you too go grab my purse from my vehicle? I forgot it." My mom asks and I sigh.

"I can get it by myself it's fine." I reply getting up.

"I'll come." I hear Jim speak and I turn to look at him.

His mom moves her butt and gets up letting Jim up from his seat. We make eye contact and I just stare at him like he's an idiot, he doesn't give in. He gives the table he just came from one more look then makes it to the door behind me. I ignore him like he isn't right on my ass so I decided to slam the door behind me. When I grabbed the knob to slam it in his face his foot catches the frame and stops me.

I huff and walk towards my mom's vehicle my warm breath showing in the air. I grab the keys from my pocket but they slip out of my freezing hands. When I pick my head up from grabbing them I notice Jim leaning against the hood of the car just staring at me. I had enough of him acting like he doesn't have something to fucking say to me and just doesn't have the balls.

"Fucking say it." I demand looking right at him.

"Mh?" He says still leaning against the vehicle.

"Shut up. What do you want from me?" I spit at him and he gets off the car.

"Are you going to get your moms purse?" He points to the keys in my fist and I scoff.

"Do you have to be a smart ass all the time?" I say in a mimicking voice then unlocking the door.

"I don't know why your being like this." He says trying to be smooth with it but I can tell in his voice, he's in the wrong.

I reach in beginning over to the drivers side to find my moms purse. I turn around just when Jim walks towards the open car door waiting for a response.

"I don't know what you want me to say Jim." I face towards him then still continue to dig around.

"Where is it Maeve." He spoke so seriously.

"Can't you see i'm trying to fucking find it?" I yell at him from the drivers side.

"No Maeve, my diary." he speaks low and I stop.

"It's on Neutron's coffee table." I sigh remembering I forgot it.

"So you went through it." He questioned sounding a little mad.

I feel tears in my eyes thinking about what's in that book, but I can't tell him I read it.

"No." I say grabbing ahold of my moms purse and waiting for a response.


"Yes." I get up and he backs up from the door.

Jim's POV ★

"Yes." she says backing up from the front of the seat and I also back up a bit.

Her voice, she's lying.

"Okay." I respond and I immediately feel a tension between us, and not a good one.

She walks in front of me to the door and I watch her hair sway back and forth, shoulder to shoulder.

"Found it?" Mae's mom says as Mae holds up her purse.

"Thanks dear" she responds to her getting up to let her near the window, my mom doing the same.

I can feel her eyes on me and it makes me nervous. I try shake off this feeling but i'm sure it's worse for her, how would you feel if someone said they didn't like you but wrote many pages about loving you?

"Your plates." The server smiles at my mom and hands her her plate along with everyone else's.

I twist my fork between my food thinking about everything. Why is my Diary on Neutron's counter? That's when it hit me, they were both going through it. I feel a rush on angry through my whole body, I thought I could trust the both of them? Why would they think it's okay to go through my stuff.

I stare at Maeve as everything makes sense to me. She seen the jacket, found Neutron and went through my diary together all night. She probably even slept there. I watch her as she also picks at her food. Probably thinking about what she did.

What a bitch.

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐆𝐞𝐭 𝐌𝐞 𝐒𝐨 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡 𖦹 The Basketball Diaries fanfic ⁂Where stories live. Discover now