Chapter 21 ✧

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72nd Street and 2nd Avenue, Manhattan Midtown Apartment 📍

6:45 a.m.

"Jim.."  I sigh after he told me everything that happened.

"Yes?" He smiles being a dick and I push him.

I push with my hands and jump off the counter. I shove Jim out of the way and walk past him into the hallway.

"Fuck my head is pounding." I curse sinking into the sofa.

Jim tiredly walks into the kitchen and opens a drawer full of prescription bottles and other medications. He grabs a small white bottle and throws it towards the coach i'm on.


"Mhm." He sits starring at the drawer for a while, his eyes scanning all the prescriptions.


He jolts his head up and finds my eyes with his. "Yeah?"

"Let's go to my place, mom isn't home."

"Sounds good." He slams the drawer and a feeling of relief goes through my body, I don't know why.

I open the door to my apartment and a smell of a light peony rose scent, mom must've lit a candle. If a candle is lit, she had to have cleaned the apartment. If i'm being honest I don't really like when mom cleans the apartment, it makes it feel less like home.

I take a step in and kick off my converse. Jim shuts the door behind me and unties his shoes.

"I'm going to take a shower, you do you." I tell Jim while he turns the tv on.


And that whole shower I kept replaying that kiss.

And I never forgot.

Jim's POV ★

Maeve and I decided to go up town, and that's what we are doing. Sometimes in New York you just have to look around you, you know? It's like that saying 'stop to smell the roses' but stop and admire the graffiti.

It's a little colder tonight, it's getting closer to winter. Maeve hates winter, I love it. The snow looks so soft and you get to dress warmer. Even better is the kids selling hot chocolate you rob for fun.

Maeve is doing her little skip in front of me while we roam down town streets, basically window shopping.

"You getting hungry yet Mae?"

She makes a dramatic stop, kicks her leg around with her whole body and faces me.


"Okay jeez.. let's get some grub." I laugh.

We take a seat in the booth closest to the window of course and I pick up a menu. The diner has a faded orange colour too it's walls and red cushion seats. I watch her eyes scan the menu looking for something. I notice the way her hair fell right in front of her left eye. I sit up straight and without thinking reach over to take her hair out of her way.

As she is looking at the menu she swipes the piece of hair behind her ear before I did and looks up to see me about too.

"I got it.." She awkwardly says shoving my hand away.

"Oh yeah, for sure.." I say looking down at the menu embarrassed as fuck.

Why did I just do that? I totally forgot about this tension I caused. I didn't mean to kiss her. She was practically asking for it. I mean Maeve is a sexy girl but I would never get to date her, she's like my best friend. I cant ruin this friendship.

"What are you getting?" I try ease away from the tension but it all comes back once are eyes meet.

"Just a burger."

"I think so too." 

It has never been like this between us. The silents is awkward and it's like we can't touch each other or even look at each other. We are both thinking about it, we both can't stop.

"Jim?" She makes eye contact with me and my heart is racing.

I can tell it's something important. When she does that look in her eyes where she looks literally hollow, like no heart or soul in her is living.

"yeah?" I try play off casual but she can tell it's not.

"Why did you do it." She asks staring into my soul.

My heart drops too my ass as those words came out of her mouth. This is different, It's not like other girls i've kissed and got over it. It's like she's hurt because of me but i'm her best friend.

It's silents but I know she wants an answer but I don't have one. "Mae, I just.."

"Why Jim." She sighs shaking her head and bringing her knees to her chest.

"I don't know." I say placing down the menu in front of me looking up at her.

"Why can you do that. Why can you just play with my feelings."

I watch her play with the strings on the bottom of her jeans. Maeve's a strong girl but it doesn't take much for me to break her I guess. it's silent again and I watch as tears form in her eyes. The orange lighting and the cold night aren't helping here.

"Jim you cant do this when I love you and you don't."

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