Chapter 17 ✧

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72nd Street and 2nd Avenue, Manhattan Midtown Apartment 📍

Mae's POV ★

Where are these people's minds? What would they be thinking of? I watch as mindlessly burnouts walk and stumble over their feet escaping the reality of the real world they once knew. I inhale from my bong and bring it all out. I've been waiting for Jim to come home for 2 hours, no idea where he is. I tired phoning Mickey's house and his mom said he's out. I wonder what shit there getting into, Jim is probably laughing his ass off at the moment.

I look up at the stars and feel a rush of relaxation come over me and i'm pure again, i'm me again. Of course I love getting high, don't get me wrong but i'm always trying to get to what it felt like in the beginning. You know that one saying?
'Nothing feels like the first time,' I feel that.

I watch a group of boys start running towards my fire escape while they all shove the blonde one, Jim. I was about to yell for them to come up until I hear Neutron laugh something out.

"She's totally into you man!"

All of a sudden my heart skipped a beat. Mickey shoves Jim right before he climbs the ladder.

"Don't act like Jim wasn't all over her!"

My chest rising up and down soon comes to a stop and I can't feel my breath, what is going on? I feel as though when those words came out of his mouth I sobered up instantly.

I watch those boys climb the ladder giggling and saying disgusting words I can only imagine what they are talking about. They reach Jim's window and Mickey seems all smiling laughing with him.

When I see Jim completely make it into his apartment and the other boys turn the corner I head down. Who was the girl Jim all over that is obsessed with him? Why do I feel sick to my stomach?

I run straight to my bathroom to throw up after getting through the window. I push my hair back while my mom listens in.

"Maeve?" She calls but I cant answer.

"Maeve are you okay?!" tears streaming down my cheek, so much for my makeup.

"Maeve!" She tries the handle but I locked it.

I manage to take a deep breath and make out some muffled words.

"Just don't feel good ma."

"Do you need anything, I can get it?"

"no, no."

That night I slept horribly. I could not understand what I ate that made my stomach hurt so bad I puked every two hours.

Jim's POV ★

Maeve told me she wasn't going to school today, something about being sick. So tell my why I see her across the library looking completely drained.

I'm in the library working on some english essay I have to write about what we think will happen in the future I think but I can't stay focused. I have so much stuff on my mind right now like the girl from yesterday, detention from skipping, a coming up basketball game and while Mae looks like a zombie.

I would approach the wind creature in its own habitat but there is nothing stopping it from attacking me so I will mind my own business.

I was about to slip out the library till something caught my eye in the corner Mae was in. A young boy comes up to her and try's his hardest to secretly give her something. I park my head around the corner and see one of the boys from my basketball team.

I think not much of it and watch carefully so they don't see me. He's probably just slipping her a sappy love letter, but my face drops when she hands him back cash. Everything starts coming back to me and all I think of is Pedro that one night.

I jog out of the library and decide to take a breather outside. I cant tell Maeve I seen that because she obviously doesn't want me knowing. She tells me almost everything and she didn't tell me about this.

Ten minutes have passed and i'm just debating on when to walk inside hell. I give up with myself and walk to the door entering. I hope the cranky ass librarian isn't looking for me since I just causally ran out, my bad.

"Jim!" Someone yells and I swing my head around.

"Hey Brynn, what's up?"

"Nothing just wondering if you have seen Maeve?"

I think twice before answering wondering if Brynn wants to see her right now.

"Nah, Why?"

"Just some homework questions."

biggest lie, it's drama.

"Oh I see, we'll have a good day." I wave goodbye walking away.


"Yep?" My head turns around.

"You coming to the party down by the Johnson's?"



"I'll be there." I say smiling back at her.

Who knows if I will, I just wanted to make up for lying anyways. I watch her walk away with her blue jeans and silky blonde hair swaying. It's been quite a while since the boys and I have went to a party and Maeve, we all could use it.

"Mr.Carroll! What do you think your doing in the halls during class time?"

I groan turning around to face the most hideous thing on earth.

"I'm just going to the washroom."

"You have been absent from the library for forty minutes now!"


"Your lucky I will be spending you and ms.Raynott's detention with you."

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