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Algiers, Algeria.

Coming back home to the community and family feels overwhelming after being away for so long. But, Alhamdulilah, I'm glad I'm back home.

After studying dentistry, I decided to further my knowledge by learning more about the deen. And, Alhamdulilah, I finished school this year, and now I'm back home. I do miss being in Saudi Arabia, but I miss being home more. So, Alhamdulilah, for everything.

Mama is starting to pressurize me into bringing a girl home or to allow her to find a girl for me, and I'm not finding it funny at all. "Baba, you know you're not getting any younger, and I want to hold my grandchildren before I pass away," she says every time the topic is brought up.

So now, I don't know what she wants me to do or where she wants me to start looking. I just came home, and I'm still trying to reconnect with my old friends and the community, talk about knowing how to look for a suitable wife.


"Assalamu alaikum, Naeem, nice to see you," Sheikh Ayman greets, shaking my hand. "I missed your Qur'an recitation during yesterday's taraweeh; people have been talking about you, you know," he smiles.

"Oh, it's nothing; the imam was late, so I took over," I say, rubbing the back of my neck shyly. "Oh, come on!" he says, patting me on the back. "Come, your father was telling me you're back permanently. Why not join the masjid committee this Ramadan to tutor the kids here?"

"Sure, I would love to too; when can I start?" I ask, "You can start this evening. The committee has divided the volunteers into groups. You meet Aamir, and he'll explain everything to you." He explains.

"Jazakallahu khairan, sheikh, nice to see you again." "Wa ihyakum habibi, say hello to your father for me," he adds, "insha'Allah." I nod.

I walk further into the masjid in search of Aamir, and I spot him talking to a sister. "Assalamau alaikum, Aamir," I greet, bowing my head a bit. "Wa alaikumus salam, Akhi, how are you?" "I'm fine, Alhamdulillah. How's everything?" I ask.

"I should go," the sister standing beside him says. "Okay, then, call me when you're ready so we can go home," he says, patting her shoulder. "Everything is fine, Alhamdulillah." He smiles. When did he get married? I ask myself.

"Congratulations Aamir i see you got married without telling me, I might not have been around but you could have at least told me" i tease hitting him on his side lightly.

"What makes you think I got married?" He chuckles, holding onto my hand. "The sister who just left," I say it like it's obvious. "Auzubillah, brother, she's my sister, Aman; have you forgotten I have a sister?" he chuckles. "Hh, I'm so sorry, Aamir, I thought." I stutter. "Don't be; you're not the first to say such," he says, still laughing.

"I just thought" i start trying to explain myself "it's fine really, what brings you to the mosque this early?" He asks as we start walking deeper into the mosque. "I just met with sheikh Ayman outside and he spoke to me about the ramadan program going on and said I should meet up with you to explain things further."

"Yeah, you can join in but the problem is your going to have to work individually with the kids all the groups are filled up" he explains. "That's fine" i say.

"Let me call Aman to take you up to the brothers I have to be at the airport to pick up my grandparents so I can't show you around but Aman can take you to the other brothers." he apologizes bringing out his phone to call his sister I assume.

"Hello Aman, Yes, please. Ok, I'm still standing where you left me. Thank you. She'll be here soon." He says so, and I nod. "Assalamu alaikum," she says as she walks up to us. "Wa alaikumus salam," we chorus.

"Aman, please take Naeem up to meet the other brothers. I would have done it, but I need to be somewhere else," he explains. "Ok, then I'll see you later," she waves at him as he walks away.

"This way," she says, showing me the path to follow. We walk silently up the stairs and into another wing of the mosque, and I see the brothers from afar.

"You can tell them Aamir told you to meet up with them; they'll explain everything to you," she says, nodding towards them. "Jazakallahu khairan," I say, finally looking up to look at her. She's fair in complexion and looks a bit pale; she looks just like Aamir, except she has softer features and longer lashes.

"Auzubillah," I mutter under my breath, looking away. "Wa ihyak," she says, nodding before she turns around and walks away. Well, it's just me now. I take a deep breath and start walking towards the brothers.

Assalamu alaikum lovelies🤍
It was supposed to be next week but surprise!! An early update 🥳
Second chapter up. What do you all think of Naeem?
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