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Algiers, Algeria.

After our mini-shopping, I took Maryam back home before driving back home. As I enter the house, I hear Mama's voice: "Naeem, is that you?" She yells, "Yes, mama, do you need help with something?" I question taking off my shoes.

"A cake was sent for you while you were still out," she says, meeting me halfway as I walk towards where her voice is coming from. "Oh, ok," I say. "Aren't you going to tell me you met Aman because if not, me and your father are finishing the cake without you?" she teases, wiggling her brows.

"Mamaa," I groan. "Not you too," I say, pouting a bit to hide my embarrassment. "Maryam told me how much you like Aman's chocolate cake, so don't worry, we'll save some for you. Go freshen up," she says, tapping me on the shoulder.

I head upstairs and take a shower and pray Magrib before heading back downstairs to meet them in the living room with the cake Aman made for me, with an emphasis on ME, please. It's already on the centre table with plates and cutlery.

"Mama, you know this cake is for me, yeah? I'm supposed to be the one offering the cake, not the other way around," I complain, taking a seat.
"Look at you already being stingy," Abi says.

"Pass me a slice, please," he buffs, smiling a bit under his well-trimmed beard. We share the cake and watch this soap opera. Mama and Abi have been watching forever in silence, savouring the taste of Aman's sweet delicacy.

When we all retire to our rooms, I call Maryam and tell her to thank Aman on my behalf for the cake. I don't want to say this, but one of the things I look forward to, aside from getting married to Aman, is getting to ask for her chocolate cake at anytime.


The end of the month rolls into a new one, and before you know it, I'm getting engaged to Aman today. I rearrange my towel before spraying some perfume and exiting my room. The engagement is taking place at Aman's house in their backyard, which we are heading to as we speak.

Just as I exit my room, I meet Mama on my way down. "You look amazing, Naeem," she smiles, her eyes shining with tears, giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Don't ruin your face, mama, or else Maryam will be mad at you," I joke, trying to lighten up the mood. "Oh shush, let's get going," she laughs, dragging me down with her.

We arrive at their house and are led to the backyard by Aamir. A few guests and family members are scattered around the backyard, enjoying the evening sun while chatting about everything and nothing.

Mama gives the ring I got for Aman to Abi, who gives it to Oncle Abban. A few minutes later, Aman is brought downstairs by her cousins, and we take pictures with the whole family after her grandfather makes du'a for the both of us before we all sit down for dinner. I didn't get to talk to Aman until the tail end of the dinner.

"Assalamu Alaikum" I say, "Waalaikumus salam." She smiles, adjusting her hijab. "How are you?" I ask, "I'm good, Alhamdulilah, you?" She asks, "I'm good, Alhamdulilah. I see you still made time to bake today," and I giggle before replying.

"Yeah, I did," she says. "On a scale of one to ten, how much do you love baking?" I ask, "Can I say one hundred percent?" She jokes, "Yeah, you definitely love baking," and I nod. "Aren't you thinking of making it a business because so far everything that you have baked that I've tasted is amazing?" I say

"I've been planning on doing that, and I've discussed things with Baba too," she says. "Mashaa Allah, best of luck then, and I better be getting those chocolate cakes on a daily basis when you eventually start," I joke, narrowing my eyes as if to seem serious.

"Insha'Allah," she smiles. "It was nice talking to you; I better get going before Maryam comes for my life." I say, "Bye," she waves, and I turn to walk away with a big smile on my face.

"Why are you smiling, Naeem? We've been waiting for you since," Maryam complains, standing by the door. "It's nothing," I say, unlocking the car door and getting in.

"Don't lie to me," she says, "and don't push it because I'm not lying." I emphasise turning on the car. "Leave him alone, Maryam," Mama says, and she sighs, retreating back into her seat.

I can't believe I'm engaged to Aman; I'm her fiancé—her soon-to-be husband, that is. I catch Maryam staring at me through the rare view mirror. "You're smiling again." She sings songs. "No, I'm not." I argue back. "You so were." She laughs, and we start arguing again.

Alhamdulilah for today, and insha'Allah for tomorrow, I so can't wait to be married to Aman.

Hello lovelies!!!
So their finally engaged huh? I'm so happy for them🥹 can't wait for them to be married too. This book is gradually coming to an end, I'm going to miss this book though. Do you want a book two about Aamir and Nasreen's lovestory comment down below if yes.

Until next time. Byeee💕
Don't forget to vote comment and share though 💋.

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